Relaxing(?) at home

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Thankfully, the lunch managed to end without anything more than some arguing between Inaho and Yuki and the two of them scolding Inaho.

After they finished their lunch his sister took off saying she has work.

Slaine let out a sigh of relief when he heard that.... which got him a glare from Yuki after that.

Inaho casually bid her farewell.

She left slowly after.

"Inaho, I will help with the dishes."

"Oh? Now that's a very good daughter."

He said and patted the older boy's head.

Slaine's eyebrow twitched in annoyance but decided to play along.

"Well thanks very much, MUM!"

They ended up washing the dishes together.

Although it didn't show on his face, Inaho was very happy that Slaine was able to fit in ever so slightly.

"Um... Inaho... where should I put this?"

"Oh the cupboard right there."


After finishing with the dishes, the two boys decided to clean up the house a bit.

Slaine seemed very willing to do some house chores but he was a bit clumsy when it came to holding a broom or a mop...

That earned him some chuckling from Inaho!

After finishing the chores the lied down on the floor of the living room and starting playing chess...

As always they were almost at the same level... So each game dragged on a lot and after 4 games they gave up... Ending the fight with a 2-2 score, a draw so to say.

"Slaine... You still haven't answered."

"Hm? Answer what?"

They started chatting, lied down on the floor, looking at the ceiling atop them.

"Will you marry me?"

"Here we go again... Don't startle me like that!"


"Ah~ Also aren't we playing mother and daughter right now~?"

"Hmm. That's true too."

"Also... We are both men so marrying is impossible."

"I thought we were mother and daughter?"

"Even if we were both women we still wouldn't be able to get married, you know."

"But... you are registered as a woman and I am registered as a man?"

"Hmm... that's true... But you are my guardian!"

"But you are registered as //adopted// so it will be okay."

"So you are serious about marrying?"

"Yes. Of course. Why would I lie about something like this?"

"Well... your blank face isn't helping for all I know. Anyway! Think of your sister a bit! She will totally be against this!"

"My sister has no say in the matter."

"Hah!? She is your sister, you know! And from what I have heard she was the one who took care of you! ...At the very least... until you get her approval... You won't get mine!!"

"So if I get her approval, you will give me yours as well?"

"W-well... I... I guess.... yeah.... I mean... I would like to live with you for my whole life if possible... Ah! But even if we get married, you can dump me anytime if you get tired of me!"

Inaho glared at Slaine.

"I would never do that. I am against divorces. If we get married, it will be forever."

"O-okay... I got it... But first take your sister's approval!! Uum... Yuki-san was it?"

"Why not call her aunt? She is your aunt in some way."

"She would kill me for that... Haha..."

"I don't think she hates you that much."

"And where exactly did you get that impression?? I would actually believe that she would have shot my head the moment I entered here if you weren't there!"

Slaine said arching a brow.

"She is a very nice person."

"And at least her face does change expressions!"

"I don't think this blanc face of mine comes from the genes."

"Yeah I guessed as much..."

The two broke out in chuckles...

In the meantime, someone had entered the house and was eavesdropping on the two, hiding in the next room...

To be continued...
This sister is starting to prove a very interesting character that's gonna play a big role here xDDD

Anyway see ya next month~

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