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Amirah's Pov

After Delaney was finished with me I turned to the mirror and I must say I looked... Fucking ridiculous. She had me in a bright hot pink and neon green skin tight dress with blue heels.

"What the fuck is this?!" I ask turning around looking at her laying on my bed eating twizlers. I looked like Katy Perry from her Last Friday Night music video.

"It's retro." I look at her like she's the stupidest bitch I've ever seen in my entire life.

We hear a buzz notifying that Abel's here.

"Oh God. He can't see me like this!" I run to the closet and rummage through it finally finding a black mini dress with sheer sparkly long sleeves and my black heels. Looking in the mirror I decided to keep my hair down the way Delaney did it and wiped of the lipstick and eyeshadow off leaving the liquid eyeliner on and putting on a nude gloss, I quickly rushed to the living room.

"Why did you change?" Delay asked with a slight smile on her face. I shot her an evil glare and grabbed Abel to leave.

Abel's POV

Getting to the car I opened the door for Amirah. She hurried and quickly got in. You could say she pratically flew but, not wasting any time I hurried and got in with her.
"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked pulling the door shut.
"I'm just ready to go." She said smiling patting the spot beside her. I just dropped the issue and slid over.
I was planning for tonight to be the night that I finally get it in. I know what I wanted and I was going to get it. I'm too close to turn back now.

Arriving to the party destination we got out of the car and walk in to plastic cups clanking, hookahs being smoked, girls dancing on guys laps, girls naked in the pool, etc.

"This is like a frat boy party." Amirah says stepping over a guy laying on the floor. "Who's party is this?"

"Hawk." I say grabbing her hand and leading her out to the balcony.

My nigga Hawk is crazy as hell especially when it comes to parties. He tries to have a nice well put together gathering with a little bit of class to them but Hawk is Hawk. And we all know that the nigga can't handle nothing for shit.

Out on the balcony I could finally take in Amirah's appearance. The short dress she had on was a bit fancy for Hawk's little shitty occasion but I must admit she looks fine as hell. Her make up was cute with the line thingy all girls do that I fucking love. It makes them look like super heros. And her legs looked like they ran for miles. Even though she's short. Mike Wazowski. I let out a low chuckle and she turns to me, "What's so funny?" She asks her eyebrows furrowed together. Gah she's so cute. What the fuck.

"You remind me of Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc." Her confused expression quickly turns anger then relaxed and she busts out laughing.

"And your hair looks like Cynthia from Rugrats." She laughs walking away. Going to get a drink I assume. I watch her walk away as her ass jiggles in her dress. Damn. I can't help it I'm a nasty nigga. Dragging my attention away I go search who the fuck 'Cynthia from Rugrats' is and turns out its this little ugly bitch.

 Dragging my attention away I go search who the fuck 'Cynthia from Rugrats' is and turns out its this little ugly bitch

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