Chapter 1: Ayano Aishi

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 I was emotionless. My mother knew about this, however, my father did not. I had to pretend to have emotion around him and act like a normal girl. I am not like other girls. They get happy over nothing, wanting to be like princesses. I did not care about any of this. I didn't care about my parents leaving on my birthday. I didn't care about anything in particular. Not until I met Taro-senpai.

 Buzz...Buzz... I checked my alarm clock to see the time. 7:43, it read. Uhg, I don't want to get to school, Ayano thought. It doesn't make a difference if I go.  But I shouldn't be late on my first day. I got up, brushed my teeth, and put on my uniform. I rushed downstairs to get some toast and ran out of the house at full speed. I kept running until I saw a figure. I bumped into that figure.

 "Oooowww," I complained. I looked up and saw a boy who was sprawled on the floor. I got a closer look at the boy's face and stumbled backwards. He made my heart flutter just by looking at him. I was speechless.

 He sat up and rubbed his head, looked at me and said "Sorry." My heart danced with joy that he was talking to me. I smiled at him. "No it is my fault," I told him. "I should have looked where I was going." I was surprised I didn't stutter.

 He helped me up. He was warm. I looked into his friendly eyes. They were beautiful grey, like mine, only he was happier and his eyes sparkled luminously. I also saw fear of twinge of annoyance. For a second I thought he found me annoying but by the next second, I knew why. Some girl with orange twin pigtails stood a few inches behind him shouting, "Taro, you always keep me waiting."

 Then she looked at me. "Taro, who is this?" she asked pointing to me.

 "Didn't anyone ever tell you it is rude to point?" I snapped at her which took her by surprise. We had a glaring contest but quickly ended when I looked at Taro and saw how boggled he looked. 

 "Sorry...I should go to school now," I told him and glared back at the orange haired girl. 

 She glared back at me and said, "Yeah, you better. Actually, you should go home and cry to your mommy," She sneered evilly. I knew this feeling had to be hate. I hate this girl and I won't let her get in the way of me and senpai. Apparently, according to this twin-tailed girl, my senpai's name is Taro. 

  When I left, I ran to Akademi and decided that I should explore my new school a little bit and then go to the gymnasium. I went to the northern wing on the second floor and saw a club. It read "Martial Arts Club". If I join that means I can be strong to defeat my rival I saw next to Taro-Senpai. You know, the orange haired girl. I need to know her name. Anyways, I walked into the room. It smelled like sweat. There was a boy there standing looking at me. His eyes sparkled too, but his was with a lot more happiness.

 His eyes widened when I came near him. He smiled and asked, "Are you interested in joining my club? I am Budo by the way. Budo Masuta. We have a lot of fun here and you get really strong. We let girls join too."

   I smiled, "Yes I would like to join. When do we time finish?"

  "We finish at 4 and we start today too. All we ask is you show up once a week. Well, I'm glad you joined. I can sense you will be really good at it in a couple of weeks." He smiled and stood there waiting for someone else to join.

    I went to the gymnasium and sat at the bleachers, waiting for orientation to start. I saw my senpai as soon as the speeches started. I didn't stop looking at him until he noticed me. When he noticed me I blushed and looked away. When the speeches finally ended, I rushed out of the gym and ran to the first period. I sat and listened to my boring teachers. They didn't have much to say. I did recieve homework though. Yes even though it is my first day here, I have algebra. 

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