Chapter 18: Important Information

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 I woke up early and ate my pancakes. I walked out of the house. That is when I noticed the time was about 4 to 5:30 in the morning and I didn't feel like returning home. I stopped thinking but continued to walk, letting my feet guide me to where my heart wanted me to be. There would be no other reason for waking up early if nothing special was going to happen.

 I when I noticed where I was walking it was the woods. Woods I have never seen before but I felt like I had been there before. A small animal ran from my feet into a cave. I stopped, horrified of what I had walked in on. The dark cold walls had words written in blood on them. It said "The Curse of the Yandere Will Return". I suddenly knew why it had been an all to familiar place. I had seen this place in photographs. My mom's photographs, however, the words were different. The words in the photograph had prophesized me. "There will be a child who will be the same but will be different. The child will choose different paths" is what I remember it saying.

 I looked again and saw large Xs over faces of my old rivals. I saw corpses of the victims that my mother, grandmother, and the rest of my ancestors had killed. What scared me the most was the X over a photograph of my face in blood. A book and a white leather belt had been placed on an altar with a knife going through them and fresh blood coming out upon layers of old blood.

 I ran out as fast as I could, running so fast I stumbled out of the woods. I ran out crying and prepared to head home when I crashed into someone.

 My eyes were filled with tears so it was hard for me to get a clear look of them but I knew who it was because I knew and remembered what Budo's voice sounded like.

 "Hey, are you-" Budo cut himself off. "Ayano-chan? Are you ok? Why are you crying?"

 He reached out to help me up but out of reflex I moved my hand away.

 "Oh," he put his hands in his pockets and gave me a gloomy face. "Sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to lash out on you like that. It's emotions were everywhere and I didn't know what was what. I didn't understand what I was saying or what I was doing. Please forgive me Ayano-chan."

 He gave me big puppy dog eyes even though his eyes were grey. "S-s-ure," I said. I swallowed and tried to catch my breath. After what I saw I couldn't get myself together. If I was able to maybe things wouldn't have turned out the ways they have.

 "Hey Ayano," he looked at me like he was looking through my soul. Since I was nervous, I looked away. "What's wrong? You seem so afraid. Did something happen at your house? Do you have parent trouble?"

 "N-n-no," I told him. I thought maybe it wouldn't be a good thing to tell him. Maybe it was just a figment of my imagination or something. I knew I was wrong but I wanted to convince him and myself everything was fine. That everything would be alright. "It's no-nothing. I was just running and sweat got in my eyes."

 He smiled at me and let out a small chuckle but I saw a hint of sadness in his face. "You know, people who try and act tough are really weak inside. It doesn't matter their physical appearance. They have really weak emotions and don't know how to react to it."

 I got up and walked to school with Budo. Everything I saw in the cave seemed so wrong. My heart beat faster then it usually did. I just wanted to go back home and cry. I couldn't do that now. It was too late. If I did that Budo would be suspicious  and ask questions. I couldn't risk telling him about what I saw.

 When we got to school I cried. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. Each of my old rivals lay dead on the floor in front of me. All with bloody Xs through their faces. I especially cried when I saw Hanako's and Asu's dead corpse. I wailed as I fell on my knees at Hanako's feet.

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