Chapter 13: After Confession

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I couldn't stop crying. I just let my tears run down my face and buried my face in my knees. I saw a shadow as I looked up. I saw Aso. He took his towel off and wiped my face with it and I hugged him.

"You ok Ayano-chan?" He look sympathetic but a little hurt himself. "Did you confess to someone and they turned you down? If so let me know," he flexed his muscles. "If you let me know who hurt you I will beat them up for you." 

I laughed. "You're so funny," I told him. "But I don' want you to beat up Taro-senpai." 

I only realized I never told Aso that Taro was my crush. I never even thought about how he would feel about it. His eyes. He was hurt. He just pretended not to be. He...he is such a good guy. 

"Why does everyone like him?" He looked at me. "He isn't anything special. He has a simple personality and is a simple person but everyone seems to think he is perfect. He doesn't do anything but read. He isn't even smart."

"I don't even know anymore. I just want to get of all these emotions. I want to be back to my old self." I buried my head in my knees while crying. I was just so confused about everything.

I didn't even know someone was behind us. All I know is one second I was crying and the next startled because Budo screamed "GROUP HUG!" and jumped on me and Aso.

Aso easily shook him off. I, however, had a harder time. "Jeez Budo why are you so heavy." I continued to try to get him off.

"Oh come on," Budo joked playfully. "I'm not that heavy. It's just muscle OK hone."

I died of laughter at his joke. Budo is always so funny even though he is very mysterious.

"Budo," Aso glanced at Budo then me which made him look kind of sad. "Budo I love you and all but you kinda just killed the mood I had with Ayano a few moments ago."

Budo stepped back and put me in a head lock. "That mood was terrible. It was all sad too. That's why you all love me."

Aso looked startled. "Hey don't do that to her she is a lady. Please you could be choking her!"

My face began to go purple and without me realizing it, I passed out.

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