Chapter 11: Budo's Love?

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   I was walking around the halls like I normally do in lunch but something different happened today. As I was at the end of one hall I saw 4 heads pop up then hid behind the corner. I walked over to that corner and saw all the members of the martial arts club (Mina Rai, Sho Kunin, Shima Shita, and Juku Ren) but Budo. Sho Kunin approached me and said, "Please help us find out who Budo had a crush on. He nearly mentioned it yesterday." 

    My heart broke. Of course Budo would have a crush. But why does it hurt. I don't love him. Do I?

   "Sure," I said trying not to look hurt. "I am curious too." Mina, Sho, Shima, and Juku all looked confused and Shima said "You don't have to if you don't want to." 

  "Don't worry, I'll do it. You need me right." Although I said that I still didn't want to do it. However, I also wanted to know and I might be the only shot. 

    "Ok," Juku said. "But don't push yourself." With that being said they all walked away. 

    I looked for Budo but couldn't find him anywhere. Then I thought about it. What if he was in the Martial Arts room? I walked there and saw him practicing. He stopped when he saw me.

   "What brings you here?" he asked.

   "I was looking for you," I said shyly. "Well, um, I was...I donno, wondering..." This was a lot harder then I thought. "Who...Who do you have a crush on?"

   He looked at me and laughed. "I thought I told you already." He took my hand in his. Then he whispered in my ear, "It is you." 

   My face was extremely red. I didn't move. My heart like the sound of those words but something told me it wasn't completely true.

   I looked in his face. He was smiling. "Tell me the truth," I pleaded. 

  He was surprised at first but then sighed and leaned against the wall. "Did the other club members put you up to this?" 

   "Well if you want honesty then yes," I said. "But I wasn't forced to. I wanted to. So please, tell me. If you want, I won't tell them." 

    "Ayano," he said then walked up to me. "I'm sorry. I just don't want to tell anyone. Even someone I love."

     I sighed. Why did I expect him to tell me his secrets. They are private. Plus he might still think that I could be a murderer who kills people and just wants to know his info so I can gossip about him.  

    I looked at me with sad eyes and as if reading my mind he said "It's not that I don't trust you. Its that I have strong feelings for that girl. She meant everything to me. Like you and Taro. But I was to shy to tell her how I felt so I thought she might be attracted to strength but she was left the club in embarrassment as I beat her. She was the club leader."

    I looked into his eyes. He was telling the truth. "But," I asked. "Who is she?"

   He looked downward and his was face red. "Her...Her name is Asu. She and Aso are both so athletic that she once decided to join but then left after I beat her. She still walks around the school but avoids me and the Martial Arts Club area."

    I smiled at him in sympathy. "I am sorry Masuta-senpai. I hope things get better."

   Budo laughed. "You are so cute Ayano-chan. I already told you I moved on. I moved on to you."

  I back away a few steps. Our faces were pink. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" he yelled. Then we both started bursting out with laughter. 

   "Ok, ok," I said. "It is time for class anyways. See you."

    I thought about what he said as I walked out of the Martial Arts room. He still loves her. What...why do I feel so upset. 

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