Chapter 5: I Love Taro

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      I looked at Budo as we went to a quiet area to talk. He deserved to know. After all, he saved me so many times. What we were going to do was he ask the questions and I answer.

     " it true you were going to murder Osana and Info-chan?" 

     "Yes," I replied. "But I didn't plan on trying to kill Info-chan. And I didn't plan on just killing Osana."

      He sighed and asked, "Do you love Taro?"

     My face was completely pink. I looked away and answered yes. 

     "So is that why you planed on targeting all the people who look, talk, or like Taro. If that is true, why didn't you kill me?"

       "You talked to Taro-Senpai?! I had no idea." I was blushing really hard now.

     "I know that's a lie. I heard that if you take pictures of people from our school, she will gladly tell you all information. So why didn't you kill me?" His eyes locked with mine. His eyes were filled with determination. 

     "Well I wasn't sure if Taro-Senpai was even gay," I responded. "Plus I didn't see you look at him the way the other girls do. I am being kind of nice. Let at least one of his friends survive."

        He laughed and said, "Well Taro isn't gay and neither am I. And if you thought letting me survive would be a good plan, you failed. If anything you should have killed me first. Then target your other rivals.  And you are clearly lying. I can see it on your face."

        I looked away and told him,"We still need to get away from here. At least I do. The police will be after me no doubt." I glanced his way.

     "I'll come with you,"he said. "Plus no one is dead and you were defending yourself-"

     At this point my body moved, without me realizing, to hug him. I was crying happily into his arms. I wanted to stay there forever. He hesitantly hugged me back. "It's gonna be alright Ayano. Trust me."

     "I-I..." I looked up at Budo. It felt right but wrong. I loved Budo but I also loved senpai. I didn't understand these feelings. Every right thing I do ends up wrong but success happens when I do bad things (most of the time). I hate having emotions. I don't like them. They have pain but beauty. They are to complex. I released from our hug. I brought out my knife and was about to stab myself when Budo stopped me. 

     "Ayano," he said in a firm tone. "What are you doing? Do you think killing yourself will make things better?"

     "There is no way I can go on," I said sobbing and trying to pull away from him. "If I kill myself I won't have to deal with the shame and guilt, never have to be heartbroken. You don't understand and you never will!"

    His grip was too tight. I couldn't fight him off. "Listen Ayano," he said with tears running down his cheeks. "Life doesn't always go the way you want it to. But that is no reason to kill yourself! If you die...I-I won't be able to live without you Ayano!"

      He confessed. He confessed he loved me. But, just because I am an emotional girl? No. It would be wrong if I accepted his love anyways. Senpai and I are the ideal couple. Nothing can get in my way. I stopped tugging pretending that I wouldn't try to stab myself. He stopped and sat on a desk. "Truth be told," he said. "I don't know what I would do if you aren't around." 

     I gripped my knife and ran towards him trying to stab him but I was slow because I hesitated. He took that time to throw a note book at me. 

    "Ayano," he looked as though he would cry again. "This isn't funny."

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