Chapter 2: They Call Me Crazy

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 I woke up normally and did my normal routine. I ran to school early because I didn't think my heart could take seeing senpai again. I had to plan this out. How should I kill Osana, I wondered. Then I realized the thought I just thought of. Oh my gosh Ayano what is wrong with you. Why would you go to such extreme risks? If senpai found out- but my thoughts were quickly interrupted.

 "Sorry Ayano-chan," a familiar voice said after they bumped into me. My head was spinning. I was seeing blurry and double. I fainted but two strong arms caught me. 

 When I awoke I saw Budo looking down at me.

 "Thank goodness your ok!" Budo said. Wait, Budo was worried about me. As my mind processed this it began to tingle with happiness. "I was so scared I would get another meeting with the principal." He scratched the back of his neck. Of course. This made sense. Why would Budo care if I was hurt or not? He had better things to do than worry about me.

 "Yeah yeah whatever," I said sitting up. I was about to get out of the bed when Budo caught on to what I was doing and pushed me down. "Musta-senpai," I said my face turning pink. "Get your hand off my chest."

 He quickly moved his hand as if he were burned. "Sorry Ayano-chan," his face was very red. "It's need some rest. That was a mighty concussion I gave you."

 I decided to trust him and stay in bed. After all, I was still seeing double and super tired. But then I saw a flashback senpai and Osana. I can't waste time!

 I walked out of bed the other way and ran off so I could buy me some time. I ran down the stairs and hide behind the lockers. 

 "Taro, I-I wa-as won-nn-dd-ering i-if, you know," this was it. She was going to ask Taro-senpai if he could meet her under the cherry tree blossom. I thought she was supposed to do this Friday. I guess people get really impatient. Unless she knew. Unless someone told her. Did info-chan tell her? I knew info-chan couldn't be trusted. Osana looked at him. She said it all in one breath, "If you will meet me under the cherry tree after school today!" 

 I leaned against the locker. My heart was pounding and aching of sadness. My precious senpai being taken by stupid Osana. No. I won't let her keep my senpai. 

 "Sure Osana," Taro responded. "It must be important. I mean you aren't looking at me, you are studdering, and your face is red. Do you have a fever?" He touched her forehead and that made her face ever more red. She lightly slapped him in the face. 

 I didn't realize it but there were tears dripping from my face. Something covered my mouth. I began to pull on it but its grip was to tight. I tried my best to elbow the person in the stomach but there was not room. I used all my force to lean back and the person fell backwards. Taro and Osana were already walking up to their classrooms. 

   I ran upstairs to the cooking club, took the knife, left, and ran to my class. Class was starting. I could not be late. 

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