Chapter 10: Senpai's Sister

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    I was at home checking my Facebook and seeing what people were posting. I was about to log off but didn't when it said "Incoming Call from Taro Yamada".

I sighed but answered. He probably wanted to talk with me about the incident with Osana.

"Hi,"someone said. It didn't sound like his voice at all. It sounded like a little girl's.

"Um," I began but they cut me off.

"You don't actually murder people do you?"

Just who is this person. This definitely isn't Taro-senpai. "No," I answered. Maybe if I talk to this person then they might reveal who they are.

"Ok good," the female voice said. "Because if you did I would never let my brother go to this school."

Brother? Taro has a sister? She may be of some use.No I can't. Stop thinking so evilly.

"To be honest thought," she began to ramble. "I want a Facebook account but mommy says I am to young. Oh I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Hanako. I am Taro's younger sister."

" did you find out about me though? I don't mean to be rude by saying this but if you and Taro-senpai were truly close he would talk about you more often." I felt rude for saying it but a part of me didn't care.

"Um," she turned on her face cam. She had a worried expression as if someone might over hear. "I heard Taro yell something about it and when I came in, I came in to silent so he didn't hear me. But he yelled something like 'how could you be friends with a murderer. She tried to kill Osana.' And from that night on Budo-senpai and Taro don't talk. They more despise each other now. I am so glade my brother was wrong though."

She was still very quiet. A few moments later, as she and I talked about something else, Taro-senpai walked in the room.

To my surprise he didn't react badly. If anything he smiled, waved, and walked out of the room.

"Wow what do you think that was about?" Hanako went to the door her brother came from. "Weird. Whenever I call Budo or Osana he yells at me to get off."

I took a deep breath.  He probably didn't like me. 

  "Well it is late and we have school tomorrow," I told Hanako.

   "Jeez you sound like my mom," she said and we both laughed. We said good night and went to bed. Sure enough I feel asleep a few minutes later. But...I had dreams about Fun Girl again.

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