Chapter 15: Who Is Asu?

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  "By the way Ayano," Budo asked me while walking to the martial arts club. "How long have you been listening to me talk to Asu yesterday?"

  Ever since yesterday talking about what had happened between him and Asu became a touchy subject. So the fact that he would bring it back up was surprising.

  "Ever since the two of you began talking," I said shyly. "I got to go. Good night Masuta-senpai."

  "Wait," he pulled my wrist making me stop walking. "Aren't you going to spare with us?"

  "I am sorry Masuta-senpai. I need to clear my mind about something." I was really just going to talk to Hanako. She would know what happened between them. She'll understand everything.

"Ayano," he looked me in the the eye as if he knew what I was thinking. "Ok but you haven't really been around that often and everyone is getting worried. At least come back tomorrow."

"Sure," I smiled at him. "Well good night and take care!"

After sometime I walked home and noticed a message from Hanako. It read: "my brother is acting kind of strange."

When I replied by asking what she meant she called me.

  "Hey," Hanako whined. "My brother is acting really weird. Do you think maybe he got a girlfriend? But I wouldn't want him to have one and he knows that. He's never went against my will once!"

  "Maybe," I paused to think about it. "It is definitely possible. Hanako have you ever thought what would make him happy? He might have a girlfriend and didn't tell you about it because he wanted both of you to be happy. You can't keep hogging him up. That would be selfish."

  "Well yeah but," she turned her head to look at the door. Her mother walked in holding Hanako's langurey. "Mom please get out! I am having an important conversation with my friend."

  After the door closed behind her mother she continued. "What if he ends up dating a really nasty lady at school? Or...or worse! If he dates a lady who exposes to much cleavage then what would I do?"

"Don't worry," I said with a calming tone in my voice. "At school there are a bunch of nice people there. Sometimes it takes awhile to see their good side, but all the people who have a crush on him are very... interesting in their own way. I don't know how to explain it in a better way but, they are all very good people."

   "I'd give you permission to date him and no one else," she said taking me aback. "You are a very good friend and a very understanding person. You'd definitely make him happy."

  "Let's agree to disagree," I said before her mom called her for dinner. She looked confused by my words but didn't question them because she had no time. Her mom isn't very patient. Hanako turned off the computer and walked away so she could eat her dinner before it got cold.

  I ordered take out, calmly ate, and went into a peaceful sleepy. At least it was peaceful before Fun Girl appeared. "Hello Aishi-sama," she said so soft it sounded more like a whisper.

  "What do you want Fun Girl?"  You see, Fun Girl is kind of like another info-chan...just not as useful. Fun Girl tells me how to get my senpai and to follow my family tradition and be considered a normal girl to society. However, I don't care anymore. I just want to go on the right path. I want to make my own path!

  She smiled. "How rude. After all the help I have given you, after being more useful the Info-chan."

I stumbled even though there was nothing to stumble on. It was just black and gray walls.

She laughed and held out her hand. "So you think you are changing do you not? You aren't. Don't lie to yourself."

I smiled a smile hard and cold. Then I smiled a meaningful smile. "That's what you think. I went from really crazy to finally seeing where I am going. A helping hand reached out to help guide me and support me."

Her smile dropped and she looked more horrifying then before. "No no no! This isn't supposed to happen. You are making my death be meaningful. You know how I died don't you? Didn't our mother ever explain?"

I shrank back in fear. " did you die?"

She laughed at first. Then she glared realising I really didn't know. "You are really an idiot Ayano," she said with a bored look on her face. "Your mom. She thought I would get in the way. Well she was right and wrong. Me and my boyfriend at the time decided we should let everyone know what was happening in the school. We found out that she did it and she murdered me as a result. She let my child and boyfriend leave because I begged for mercy. She is still out to get him but she cant kill him as long as I protect him."

I looked at her in shock. "Who was your child and husband?"

"My child looks out for you too. She goes by Info-chan. As for my boyfriend, he is the journalist. He wants to spill the informationof your mother which is why she tried to kill him. She was a little nice about the situation though. She said she would kill us all so we won't be lonely in the underworld. I told him to forget the information and here he is trying to spill the information again." Fun Girl did something I would have never expected. She cried. Black tears slid down her gray checks. Her pitch black eyes seemed even darker then usual.

 "Fun girl," I said in a sympathetic voice. "It will be ok. I am sure you will be united soon. You need to protect him though. That is most important. And if you can, what is Info-chan plotting?"

 Fun Girl nodded and said "She plans to catch you murdering someone so you can get arrested. However, I can not leave you. It is my duty as a fallen angle. I-I said to much!"

 I stared at her. All this time she was a fallen angle. "Fun Girl...what are you talking about? Your duty was to watch me and convince me to be a yandere like my mother. Your mother did the same thing to my mother didn't she?"

 For the first time Fun Girl was quiet, shocked, and what appeared to be scared. She probably would have been badly punished if their "client" found out. She slowly nodded her head. "Since you found out I may as well tell you everything," she said. "I am currently a ghost as you know. However, if I finished  the job and turned you into your mother I would be greatly honored and get the title of fallen angle. They are the most feared and most respected. The reason I was not able to achieve my goal is because I let my feelings get in the way. To me you are like one of my first friends. Now my spirit will parish because I failed. Farewell and please explain everything to your mother."

Fun Girl became a real girl. Above was a name plate that I assumed belong to her alone. "Janari Suto" the name plate read. 

She slowly disappeared into a white light no longer to ever be seen again. The black, dark, gloomy room suddenly became bling white, however, the mood stayed the same. For the first time I mourned a lost.

Suddenly my alarm went off and I got out of bed to go to school. I dragged my body to school until I saw him talk to her. Budo was talking with Asu. 

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