Chapter 3: I am a Yandere

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 At lunch, I saw my opportunity. "Hey Osana," I said with a friendly greeting and a fake warm smile.

 "What do you want?" she asked as harshly as could. 

 I dropped my smile and said, "You do a bad job trying to hide your feelings. You are secretly happy I am here and talking to you because no one else will other than Taro-senpai."

 "Whatever, baka," she said. "So what did you come here for. Just to taunt me?"

 "No," I replied. "I saw a kitten at the school grounds and I thought you might be a caring person for animals. It's not wild, I promise!"

 She looked at me and asked, "And why should I trust you? This is the first time you actually talk to me and you think I will just listen."

 I acted as if I was sad and scared. "Okay," I told her. "This is a secret I have never told anyone. I am secretly afraid of cats. So...I kind of need your help."

 She looked astonished but the plan was working. She put down her bento and said "You are way to trusting. You are so lucky you told me and not some other girl. So where is the kitten?"

 I led her to the kitten. For some reason, there was an actual cat on campus but I pulled out the knife as she bent down to hold the kitten. I was about to kill her when I heard someone scream "Ayano STOP!".

 I looked over to find Budo. He was always ruining my plans! 

 I was frozen. My body told me not to move. I dropped the knife in the ground. It made a squeaky sound as it dropped. It was a fake knife. Who the hell puts a prop knife in a cooking club, I furiously wondered. Osana looked at me and shouted, "Oh my GOD WERE YOU GOING TO KILL ME WITH THAT THING!" She burst out of laughter. 

 Budo was right next to me. He awkwardly looked at the two of us. He and I both wondered what type of rumours would come out of this. This would be all over school surely. How did he know what was happening. I looked up slightly and saw windows with curtains. I thought at that moment that info-chan told him I would be killing Osana. 

 Osana ran inside the school building. She was out of view. Everything felts so out of place. 

 Budo picked me up and we began walking. 

    "Masuto senpai, I am so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me." I was majorly confused. To my surprise, Budo let go. 

     "Just shut it!" he yelled angrily. His face was flushed. "If I ever see you do that again, you won't have it easy. What if that was a real knife? You ran into the cooking club to get one, you idiot. You are so lucky it wasn't real or else you could've been in so much trouble. Don't ever do it!" 

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