Chapter 16: Bothering Asu?

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 As I expected Aso was there listening to what they were saying. Looks like I wasn't alone.

 "What's up Rito-chan," Budo said cheerfully. "You look so serious it is almost scary."

 Her legs shook and she looked scared. She looked like she would burst at any minute. "I...I got rejected by Yamada-kun. Please, Budo please help me get back at him. Act as my boyfriend please. He will get jealous for sure."

 From her voice I knew what her real plan was. She wanted to spend time with Budo so she would end up falling in love with him instead. She already knew that he loved her just by looking in his eyes.

 He lightly smirked and stared at the ground. "I don't know. You and someone else are very dear to me. I don't think it would be fair to her though if I did that."

 Asu looked shocked and very sad. She cried a little bit. He must of figured out that she wanted to fall in love him like that too. "Who," she said very low. "Who else? There can't be anyone else. You were made for me to lean on! I HAVE BEEN TOLD THIS BY AN ANGLE HERSELF!"

 I walked up to her and smacked her. "Will you shut up. It is not 8 o clock. Get your act together and stop yelling at him before our ears bleed. Not everyone was made to fit perfectly with you."

  Her eyes widened and she put her hands to her mouth. "No," she said, her voice muffled a little bit with her hand. "Budo! You have to be more sane than this. There is no way you could even look at this beast. She tried to kill a girl!"

 "What isn't sane is looking at you for more than a minute," I said.

 She cried and ran away. She ran really fast and bumped into some people around the locker area.

 "You didn't need to be so rude Ayano," Budo said.

 "She was so annoying," I whined. "I couldn't stand it for more than a min-"

 He cut me off. "I can't stand you for more than a minute so good bye."

 He walked pasted me and tried to look for Asu. A tear slid down my cheek.

Aso came out from his corner. "H...hey," he said.

I ran to him and buried my face in his shirt. I smelled his cologne. His scent between a sweet type of cologne and a hint of sweat. I felt his muscles with my face. I could tell from the way he moved his body he was surprised and didn't know how to react.

 I moved my face away from him and said "Arigatou. See you later." (A/N= Arigatou means thank you in Japanese [impolite version].)

 I got all of my stuff and looked for somewhere to cry alone. I found a wall towards the back of the school and sat there. I cried until I heard someone say "Hello is someone here?"

 A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes approached me. She had a dark completion and she seemed to be rich and flashy. She had a pack of ciggerates in her hand. "Hi," she said. "I am Musume Ronshaku. Are you ok?"

 She smiled at me but I continued to look at her with a blank smile. "Oh wait. Oh my gawd you totally tried killing a student right. I heard it was Osana Najimi. Good choice except I would have killed her. She is so annoying. So were you actually trying to kill her?"

 "It was a skit I was told to preform but I didn't know what was going on until I dropped it. Luckily it was a prop." I buried my face in my knees.

 "Really, why would you try to kill her with a prop?" She looked confused but I gave her that look that told her I didn't want to talk about it any longer. She let it go and told me to follow her.

 I followed her to the roof top and we saw the sun rise. It was beautiful. The golden colors of the sky were fantastically blended in with the blue sky.

 She really helped me cheer up. I thanked her and went to class. I avoided everyone but Musume the entire day. I was to embarrassed to talk to Aso.

 Finally the day was over and I got an instant call when I went into my room. Hanako was calling. I accepted and she cheerfully started rambling about her day and how her brother was acting suspicious."

 "He is acting like he met someone to settle down with," she smiled and when she realized I wasn't paying attention she questioned me. "Hey Ayano-chan what is wrong?"

 "I messed up Mustua-senpai. I got sassy with his crush after he rejected her and he got mad. I just can't continue to not mess up. I always mess up."

 "Well what is a person without their mistakes," she told me words I will never forget. "Everyone needs mistakes to make corrections. Without corrections you will go into the world without true knowledge. No one is perfect and we are all equal, though not a lot of people think like that."

 I smiled, thanked her, and then told her I needed to do my homework (N/A= something I need to do but I making this story lol.). I did my work but fell asleep half way through. Someone was messaging me in my sleep. I got messages saying "If you really want to get Budo then you have to make it up. Try buying him something or something as an apology and apologize to Asu."  An unknown number texted that to me. I checked it as soon as I woke up. "Who would have wrote this?"

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