Chapter 17: Hanako or Senpai?

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 I tried to catch ahold of the person sending me the messages. Who were they? Why did they want to help me? My head spun around these questions as the messages kept sending. There was one message that caught my eye, however. It read, "by the way you know this is Yamada-kun right?" I froze and my shoulders tensed. Why would her be talking to me after I tried to kill his best friend with a knife prop.

 After a few minutes my phone stopped which meant Senpai stopped texting. I finally gathered my will power and checked everything he sent.

 "I heard Budo-kun got mad at you with that fight with you and Asu-chan...what happened? There was nothing that bad going on right? You didn't try to kill her?"

 As I continued to read everything Taro sent me I grew more angry. He thinks I am a complete insane murderer! I thought. Then I began to think why he would reject her if he is asking so many questions about her. I pushed that thought aside for another time and decided to answer his worried texts about her.

 "She is fine," I responded. "She still walks this Earth. She and I only got into a verbal argument. It has nothing to do with you."

 My phone said he read it and within a few seconds he began to type again. "I know it isn't any of my business but maybe I can help. You never know. Please just tell me?"

 I glared at the screen. He never replied anything different. I never would have seen him to be into this gossip stuff. He always seemed like such a good boy, avoiding drama, always burying his nose in a book. I decided to tell him anyways. "Fine whatever, just don't tell anyone I told you. We were fighting over Masuta-senpai and he didn't care for either of us so we are both 'Heartbroken'."

 He replied with a "Oh...well you see this is why you have a senpai. Because you can talk to your senpai."

 I immediately knew what was happening. "Hanako, you aren't very good at pretending to be your brother. First of all he hates me, second of all he is to busy reading his books to care, and third of all he doesn't talk like that!"

 There wasn't a response until a half hour later. Taro read the messages Hanako and I had. He then replied "Sorry about my sister. Don't mind this please. I really need to stop leaving my phone on the counter all the time."

 "Don't worry about it," I texted him. "So she steals your stuff often?"

 "Yeah. By the way everyone at school is beginning to talk negatively about you. If it keeps up your reputation will drop further and you will never get to date Budo."

 I was surprised Taro was giving me advice. I stored the knowledge in my head for later. At that moment my main goal was to try to get Budo to listen to me at the very least. He needs to understand what was going trough my head. I don't want him to hate me. I just needed to make a good excuse to stay after school to apologies to him since I dropped out of the Martial Arts Club.

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