Chapter 12

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I couldn't even blink before this dirty bastard had dragged me into the nearest vacant room; which happened to be the men's toilets. It smelt like piss and BO, the piss stained walls stood out as well as the unhygienic amount of skid marks up the walls ; so much for a High end hotel.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I spat but he didn't respond.

He dragged me to the nearest cubicle by my hair, causing me to let out a small yelp as my back smashed against the toilet wall. Locking the door behind him he continued to fondle with my body, nipping and biting my neck and chin as I tried to struggle and shove him away.

I could feel his wet saliva once again on my ear lobe, the continue down my jaw to my neck, nipping and sucking lightly; enough to satisfy himself but not cause attention to my neck. His hand groped my arse  with force as he continued to lick and suck up my neck before lifting his head to smirk at me.

His lips smashed with mine and as much as I kicked and moved his force was to stronger, his tongue working its way into my mouth making me feel even sicker. Without even thinking I bit down, his reaction wad to slap me and that's what he did, holding his tongue with his left hand he lifted his right until it hit my face with force. I wasn't usually someone to cry but I could feel my eyes tearing up.

V save me

His smirk grew once again as his budge in his pants became as hard as a rock, he pushed himself against me, his hands trailing from my thighs to my crotch.

"Move once more and I swear ill hurt you more than you thought was possible" he smirked while licking his lips, removing the slight blood id drawn from his tongue.

I didn't dare move, for the first time in my life I had froze from being scared. FUCKING MOVE MIN!. Is hand stopped at my crotch before rubbing lightly with his middle finger, a small unwanted moan left my mouth and a tear ran down my cheek.

Id had enough. I needed to scream. It needed to stop. I couldn't take it.


I was cut off as I felt myself falling back, the door behind me leaving my back.

My mouth tasted like sick as I pressed my ear to the locked bathroom door, I could hear struggles and grunting from the other side. I could feel everything he was doing to her from the Saliva on her ear, to the disgusting sensation in her crotch.

I wasnt always someone who lost their temper but right now my blood was boiking, I couldn't even let myself think before I found myself on the other side of the door staring laser's into the cubicle.

Without thinking I pulled the door of it hinges; using all the strength I had in me to be able to even touch it. I watched min fall back and an ugly thing of a male human land on her with a grunt. The smile didn't once leave his lips and he wiggled upwards to her, forcing his hands up her dress as he did so.

I realised then that he couldn't see me, I grabbed his
Collar, causing his face changed expression before flinging him across the room. I was panting and really out of breath, touching the tv remote takes all my strength but this was killing me.

Im gonna fucking kill him

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as my eyes met with vs but I regretted looking once I saw his eyes. They were empty and black, like the little soul he had left was sucked out of him, his fist curled into a ball as he cracked his neck before stepping over me, not once looking sway from that vial human.

I watched a he grabbed him by the collar throwing him once again but thid time into the wall. He picked his head up off the floor before smashing it repeatedly into the mirror; blood dripping from his face, small moans left him mouth as he lazily tried to grab the invisible force that was doing thid to him.
I couldn't watch much longer, blood made me feel sicker than what that man was trying to do to me.

"V STOP... Please... Its okay. Im okay" I stood up wobbling a little before walking behind him and staring St his back, although it was a small chance I wanted to feel him. I locked my hands around his waist, pulling his back into my chest before letting out a quiet whisper, "its okay, you can stop"

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