Chapter 17

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Min P.O.V
To say i was nervous was an understatement, i was petrified; id never taken anyone here before and untill i met V i didnt think i ever would.

Everyone says 'there different' or 'there perfect' those words seem to be thrown around without any care in the world but honestly to me... I think V was.

Id never felt so calm and a home with someone but on edge and nervous all at once, that goofy dork was driving me insane.


I yawned as i rubbed my hands agaisnt my eyes, letting them adjust to the dark room. I was 6am by the time id finally pulled my tired body out of the bed and dragged it towards vs room.

I knocked several times and recieved no response, jesus he can sleep. I edged the door open jusy enought for me to pop my head into his room, it took several moment for my eyes to adjust to his dark room before i spotted the lump curled up on the sheets. I walked into his room, stepping over his dirty clothes and mnga books, tip toeing carefully around his bed before my knees knocked on the bed frame.

I coukdnt help but smile as i lowered to his level, his face half hiden in his bed sheets. My eyes wondered all over his face, once again staring at all his beautiful features.

Then he moved.

My heart rate increased as i pulled my left hand over my mouth, muffling my scream as V grabbed my right hand pulling me into the bed.

I could hear my heart beating out my chest as he snuggled his face into the nape of mt neck, rubbing his nose softly agaisnt my skin while his right hand rested around my belly.

I tried to calm my breathing as he continued to wiggle around next to me before i felt his hand squeeze my waist.


I jumped off the bed, landing with a thud onto my side as V lifted himself his head and rubbed the back of his neck. I fidget on the spot while ribbing my side, this bastards gonna kill me one day.

"Do you always watch me sleep?" His question cought me of guard.
"What... I...i wasnt" i was cut off with his face leaning close to mine, i could feel his breath fan agaisnt my lips as my eyes fluttered back and forth from his eyes to his lips.

A small smile grew on his face as he leaned even closer our noses now touching, my face becoming as red as a tomato. I tried to turn my head but i felt two fingers holding my chin into place, his eyes not leaving mine.

What the hell had gotten into me?! I had totally lost my mind as i pulled her chin back so she was still facing me. My heart was moving my body faster tham my head realised.

Her skin felt so soft agaisnt my hand, her nose tickled mine as it brushed agaisnt it, her deep green eyes drawing me in more. My mind wondered to the kiss we had shared a few days ago, how i wanted to kiss her all over again, feel those soft plump lips agaisnt mine.

I swollowed a hard lump in my throat before shyly letting go off her chin, a small giggled left my lips as her tomato red face stood up and ran out my room door, not before shouting "hurry the fuck up and get ready"

Honestly my body always did move without my permission around her, she made me panic and flusterer, act out without thinking... But i coukdnt help but enjoy it, watchinf her flustered face and nervous giggles - she was beautiful.

It was now 7am when we had gotten into the car, i didnt even know she owned a car. I coukdnt hrlp but grown and yawn as we set off down the road, min looking anywhere but at me.

"Seriously, its so bloody early, how long till we get there?" I groaned as leaned my head agaisnt the car window.
"Soon okay stop complaining, before i regret even showin you"
"Hmm... How come you never told me you had a CAR... Ive been walking everywhere" i couldnt help but face palm as a smirk grew on her face.
"Were here... And because i like walking"

I didnt bothered looking where i was untill i had opened the car and got out, my eyes meeting with yhe most beautiful thing id ever seen.

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