chapter 20

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min P.O.V
i did question myself, thinking i shoukd tell V, he would know more about his old friend than i would but then when i thought about it more; this would only hurt him.


"MIN!! Over here" I looked around the cafe to find Jackson sat in the same spot as last time.
"Sorry, you been waiting long?"
"No just got here... I ordered for you, that okay?" He ran his hands through the front of his hair as he stared at the floor.

Kinda cute

The horrible feeling sat like a rock in my stomach, I felt so sick it was untrue. Sweat was running down my hair and hitting off my face as I continued to chase after her, where the fuck is she going and why is she running too.


I watched her enter a cafe before I froze.


How did she know Jackson, why were they together, why was he buying her coffee, what are they, does she like him, does he like her.

That sick taste hit my mouth once again as I edge my feet closer; I couldnt go in incase min saw me, I couldnt stand here incase she saw me, fuck.

My hands were sweating and I couldnt hello but breath heavy. I walked towards the back door walking straight through it a d hiding myself behind the staff door; close enough to hear but not close enough to be seen. Sometimes being a ghost wasnt all that bad.

"Me and Jessica broke up"


Min P.O.V
The coffee flew out my mouth faster than I could stop it. They broke up? What why? I watched Jackson eyes lower as his hands fall to his knees.

"W.why?" I regretted asking that question the second he answered.
"Because I like you"

For the second time in the last ten seconds coffee flew out mt mouth, this time a little landing on Jackson. He likes me? WHAT! Yeah I guess the last few days weve spoke loads, we text all the time and he was easy to talk to but... I loved V.

I shuffled in my seat for a second not knowing what to say or do, I felt really akward and uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Aha dont worry im not asking you out, we dont really know each other well eniugh, just wanted to be straight with you" he smiled a smile I hadnt seen before, it was sweet and caring but cute and shy all at the same time. I nodded in response before we continued to talk.


The walk home felt kinda lonely, it was now nearly 11pm wed spent the whole day together, I hadnt even realised. We didnt do much, Jackson was a nice guy, as much as j hated to admit it, I see why Jessica liked him.

"I like you"

A small giggle left my lips as o replayed Jackson's words in my head; I hadnt been told that in a while. My smile soon fell as the realisation that V woukd nevet, could never say that to me hit me in the face.

I wasnt sure why I was so in love with him, he knocked down my walls, drew me in with every word he said, he made me laugh, smile, giggle and angry all at the same time. He was gorgeous, his chocolate eyes were beautiful and his smile; god.

But it was hopeless, how could I love someone who wasnt even alive, who was dead. I couldnt.

Maybe goinf out with Jackson wasnt a bad idea, he was sweet and caring; really easy to talk to and we had a laugh.






As I entered my house a cold shiver ran down my spine.

"Min... We need to talk"

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