Chapter 22

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Min P.O.V
I woke up to what felt like someone kissing my forehead but I soon realised it was my phone vibrating under my pillow.

"Minnnniiiieeee" I looked at my phones confused and the unfamiliar voice slurred down the phone.
"Whos this?" I yawned.
"Minniie you... You dont remeber, me?"
"Shoukd I?"
"Why mean so? Hmm, its your lover, the god of love... Jackson"
"Jackson...? Oh Jackson.. Wait... Why the fuck you calling me its 2am!" I couldnt help but shout a little, whats this guys deal
"Well... Thinks me of yiu and life, love you and things"
"Jackson what the hell... Are you drunk"

The call went silent, all I could hear was heavy breathing and the odd mumble. What was he playing at seriously, this idiot.

"Ive lost... Lost house"

I mentally face palmed at him, id known him a week and already I felt like I was baby sitting him, hes such a child. How can he have lost his house, why is he so drunk, aha Jackson!

"Where are you, im coming to get you"
" Near the Han river, the shop with balloons and a chair... Chair min... Ohhh ima sit on it"
"Yeah you sit there, ill be twenty minuets, dont fucking move you Dick"

And with that  i hung up, seriously how did V put up with him for so long? I want to shoot him in the head.


It was just past 2 when I had finally got ready, not bothering to put makeup on or dress nicley, I was worried sbout Jackson, although I didnt know why, I guess id always cared for peoole when I shouldnt.

I tiptoed past Vs room before grabbing my shoes and coat; leaving as quietly as possible- Jackson Wang ill be the death of you, I swear wait till I get my hands on your drunk ass!

Id been lying here facing the ceiling for what felt like eternity, my face hurt from smiling to much, she liked me!!!

As my eyes slowly began to close i darted up hearing the front door shut. Call me a pussy but i shit myself, what if someone was breaking in... What if i die... Wait... Im already dead. I opened the bedroom door just enough to look out to find no one there, i glanced round the room incase they had gotten in or were in the kitchen; then i noticed mins shoes had gone.

Panic took over once again, what if shed been kidnapped of worse killed and her body was going to be sold on the black market! I mentally face palmed as i listened to mt thoughts run wild; she use to go for a walk about this time every night when we first met, I should be use to it by now.


The cold wind hitting my face forced me to stay awake no matter how heavy my eyelids were becoming. Mins face wondered through my mind endlessly and walked slowly through the streets. I wasnt sure where i was going but my kegs felt like they knew the way, so i followed them.

Min P.O.V
I swear im gonna kill Jackson; 'I like you' yeah right, making me worry and walk the streets at 2am really made me feel 'liked'.

The streets were quiet, too quiet. Although I liked quiet something was giving me an off feeling, like I was going to throw up at any moment; like something bad was going to happen.

I continued to walk toward the Han river; thank god it wasnt that far it was freezing outside and I swear my fingers were going to fall off at any minute. As I reached the small bench in question Jackson was no where to be seen.


I felt arms wrap around my waist before my back was being pulled into someone chest. I wanted to scream but was interrupted by something I really wasnt expecting.

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