Likes, Dislikes, and Dreams

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                    (No POV)
   "Blueberry, you're first," the silver haired, cyclops didn't look from his orange book of fun.
   "Hmm," the purple haired female glared at her teacher. "You first S-e-n-s-e-i," she dragged his title out.
   "My name is Kakashi Hatake," the man flipped a page in his book. "My likes, many. My dislikes, few. Dream, never thought of it."
   Kurai smirked as she read in between the lines. "So your name is Kakashi Hatake. We are to young to know most of your likes. Same with dislikes. And your dreams have either been crushed, or already achieved." He finally looked up from his book. "Or am I wrong?"
   "Your turn Blueberry," he eye smiled ignoring her comments.
   "My name is Kurai Mira," the purple haired teen glared at him. "My likes are reading, learning, and teaching. My dislikes are needing my eye patch, bullies, lazy perverts. Those who judge before knowing everything. My dream is to be apart of TI if I don't make it to the top of TI." Kakashi raised his only visible eyebrow.
   "Sunshine, your turn," Kakashi spoke.
   "First off," Naruto growled. "My name is Naruto Uzamaki and you better remember it. My likes are Ramen, Kurai, Kurama, and Iruka-sensei. My dislikes are those who judge before knowing all of the facts and the three minutes it takes for the ramen to cook. My dream is to be Hokage."
The blonde smiled big and gave a good guy pose.
   "Emo you're turn," he pointed to the brooding male off to the side. He had turned back to his book while Naruto was talking.
   "I am Sasuke Uchiha. I have few likes, many dislikes and I don't have a dream. I have an ambition. Two of them. One is to revive my clan, but before that I am going to kill a curtain man."
   The other three sweat dropped. Even Kurai and she knew he wanted to kill a person.
   'So I have a brat, a baka and an avenger,' Kakashi sighed. "Out of 26 only nine actually make genin status. The others go back to the academy or quit. Be at training ground 7 tomorrow at 5am. Also don't eat breakfast. You are going to have a survival trial. You might throw up."
   Naruto complained about doing that stuff in the school, but the other two had a thoughtful look on their faces. Well Kurai did. Sasuke doesn't have any facial expressions, like ever.
   "Calm down Naru," she said after their teacher left. "I want to go home and to to sleep. You should to Uchiha. Your fangirls haven't seen you in at least five hours." The brooding teen's dark eyes widen with an undescribable emotion.
   "SASUKE-KUN," was heard in Sand. The male in question ran like the devil was on his heals. And with the pink haired banshee, who was a part of the stampede, it might be true.
   "Well that was interesting," Kurai giggled. "Ichiraku's." The blonde jumped up and down in excitement. "One bowl then bed." He pouted as he followed the girl holding his money hostage.
   "Stupid need for money," all he got was a laugh in reply.


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