Family Healing

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(No POV)

The family members walked down to the floor. Kurai watched them as they talked back and forth. She rolled her eyes at Neji's fate bull he believed in.
"It's fate that he would loose of she truly felt like beating him," she frowned. "Sorry sensei, but I can't sit down for this one."
She stood and walked down to Hinata. The referee watched in wonder.
"What are you doing," Hinata whispered. Not exactly happy that she was down here. So she had no stutter.
"You are weak," The purple haired teen smirked. "And you let your family step all over you. A silly little doormat. You'll never amount to anything," a fire flitted in the back of lavender eyes.
"As if you're any better Monster," the normally shy ninja snared.
"I may be a monster, but I don't let my family hurt anymore than they need to. Or are you letting him hurt you to make him feel better?" The ninjas were starting to rethink this hurt-so-not-fight business.
She then dodged a gentle fist. She skipped up to the landing to find everyone glaring at her. That was a village member. No one does that and is liked.
She huffed and pointed to the battle going on. The over confident, fate loving male was egging her on more.
"Shut up Neji-nii-san," the Hyugia heiress snapped. "Once I'm finished with you I'm going to go kill Mira." Ever Leaf ninja had an open mouth. Even the hokage.
"All she needed was the spark," Kurai chirped. "It will be about 50/50 so it should be interesting."
"Berry," Kakashi muttered. "How?"
"I watch people, learn their habits, their emotions," she watched as Hinata fell. "Looks like she didn't use it. To bad. It would have knocked his head out of the past. Oh well."

(Hinata's POV)

I knew she was right. I would willingly loose. As I always do. Because despite my anger. He is angrier.
I attack after attack. He protects himself from them. Like the protégé he is. I wouldn't be getting very far in this battle, he aimed for my heart and I was a little to slow to stop him the second time.
I was going to kill Kurai Mira when I got better. She started this. This pain I feel for myself. I was going to need to fix it. Starting with getting over my fear to talk to my idol. Naruto-kun.

(Kurai's POV)

"Family battles are never fun," I sigh. "Stupid girl. You are much stronger then this."
"Mira-san?" Shika asked from behind me. Frankly I'm must have been out of it, or so engrossed by the battle, to notice when I was moved back into Shikamaru's lap.
"Nothing," I snuggle into his warm hold. "Hyugia needs to grow up. Just like the Banshee Twins need to."
"What happened to you," he muttered. "You're so cross."
"Welcome to my attitude to fangirls," I wave my left arm in a dramatic movement, adding to the sarcasm. "She thinks she can be the sweet little princess and be a ninja. That she will never have to kill. Well that's won't happen."
By then the whole room was listening to my words. "What do you mean," the hokage asked, cutting through the silent room.
"You of all of us should know what a ninja is sir," I stare at him with a blank mask.
"Ninjas are tools," Naruto said catching on. "To be used in times of war and conflict."
"Its a kill, or be killed type of job," Sasuke said softly.
"Its not for the weak, the ones unwilling to improve, or the ones who can't let go of a grudge." The word of three little rookie genin cut through the room.
"They are correct," My teacher sighed. "Ninjas are tools used by their hokage to fight, defend, kill, retrieve, and send to die." My hair was ruffled. "There is more to being a ninja than romance, and power."
"Family," Sasuke.
"Hope," Naruto.
"Death," I finish.
It was this time that any anger that still was in my small families heart disappeared. And I forgave them for hurting me. It will happen again, maybe not to me, but families fight. They fight and they heal after that fight. Just as a wound on the body does.


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