The Second Exam

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                      (No POV)

   Like promised Deer was with her when she woke up. He gently got her moving for the day and went to check on his wife and child.
   Kurai left a thank you note and left to meet her... Team. She was early, but better early than not actually show up. Or at least she kept telling herself that.
   She sat in the same spot where she met Naruto for the first time. The only swing on the academies premises.
   "Berry," a tentative voice piped up.
   "Hello Seal, Doll," she kept swinging. She had watched the other teams walk into the building. Some she could tell which village on sight. Others were a mystery.
   "We need to get in side," Sasuke sighed. 'What did we do? She took it harder than normal this time. Why?'
   Kurai watched as her teammates pushed her aside the next couple of days after a major fight. She tried talking to them over and over again.
   The replies were either one syllable, or they ignored her. She finally gave up. Then the next day they started talking to her again.
               (End flashback)
   'I can't have that this time,' she sighed. 'One of us will get hurt if this keeps up.'
   And she was right. The first test they passed by pure luck. The second wasn't as easy.
   "Doll we need to keep going," Kurai pleaded. "We have the scrolls now we need to go."
   "No," he snapped. "I don't want to. I don't want to be on a team with a person who sends her pets after her own team." He spat pets out like it was venom and would kill him.
   "What are you talking about?" She asked softly. "What pets? Why would I send something to hurt you? Didn't I do enough with out help?"
   Naruto realised just how bad she was hit by this. He was the same as her. Orphaned, unwanted, alone, defenceless to emotion. She didn't know what happened last night to their teacher.
   "That's rich," Sasuke snorted. "Once this is over I'm asking for you to be away from our team."
   Kurai only sighed in response. 'Just like the last family I had,' she started to run in the direction of the building they were told about. 'Maybe the villagers are right. Maybe I am a demon. I guess it wouldn't matter anymore then if I died or not.' Naruto glanced at his sister and his brother.
   He had no clue what to do to fix this. His teacher and one of his parental figures was hurt last night. Deer wasn't very nice about it.
   A strong wind hit them scattering them. (Naruto is cannon what happens.) Kurai found herself pinned by a hand in her shoulder. Just barely missing anything vital by millimeters. She coughed a bit of blood and kicked out at her pin.
The ninja puffed out of existence. She growled in anger as the ninja fought both Sasuke and Naruto, and was winning.
   "Orachimaru," she spat out gaining his attention.
   "Well, well, well," he smirked. "You survived. How... Interesting." She growled in anger.
   "How do you know him?" Sasuke growled even angrier at her.
   "I could never forget the man who experimented on me." She knew she couldn't win, but if she was right. Sasuke wouldn't be leaving without something added to him.
   "Awe so you remember me," the crazy man smiled widely. "I thought they were all killed. Then again you were always the stubborn one weren't you."
She sent the hidden code, they made at one point for fun, 'Run. And don't come back without help.'
   The boys comply thinking she followed. They were close to the building so they opened the scrolls so they could get help. Forgetting that they didn't have a teammate with them.

               (Kurai's POV)

   Once my team was gone I attacked the man who made me the monster everyone sees me as. If I died protecting my team, even an angry team, I would have finally done something with my monstrous life.
   He blocked me over and over. I was getting desperate and he knew it. My moves were getting slower, and less refined. I finally saw the opportunity to use it. My favorite jutsu. Fog formed thick and unmoving. I kept at it as he used wind jutsus to get rid of it.
He was angry and talking, but it was only a buzz in my ears. My eye sight was slowly starting to turn black. Then the air turned cold. Snow fell around me in the middle of summer.
   "Snow," I smile. 'Hopefully it will end.' I watch as the ANBU and Haku take care of the Snake Sanin. "Thank you."

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