Dog Piles Arent For Waking

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                   (Kurai POV)

   I woke up early out of habit, more than anything. I look around at my surroundings. Kakashi was sitting up asleep. I get up and Shiba, I believe was the dogs name, yawned and got up to follow.
   "Are you my guard?" The dog just nudged my hand. "Okay come on let's get some food." Shiba followed me to the kitchen. After rummaging around, I found that my teacher had no real food in the house.
   I look at the dog and went to wake my teammates. I was going to need their help. Sasuke and Naruto were cuddled together. It was... Kinda cute, actually.
   "What's up," Naru yawned quietly.
   "We need food," I look at them. "Help me wake the dogs. We will need them." I didn't know if my teacher was awake or not since that damned mask hid everything.
   The dogs were quickly woken up. Since we are the little, evil, bratty, masterminds, we are. We have the dogs dog pile our teacher.
   "Hey," Hatake yelled. "Get off its to early for this." I look at the digital clock to find it was 3am. Maybe it was too early, but I was awake, so he needed to be. "I just got to sleep children," he growled.

                    (No POV)

   The teens watched their teacher as he battled the dog pile. Kurai turned to the kitchen and pointed, "you have no food. Toast and dog food isn't very healthy." She actually looked at him with concern. "Do you eat out? That's not very healthy."
   "No I just haven't gotten to go shopping yet," the silver haired teacher snapped. "I was going after I got rid of you."
   "Pack dog pile," Naruto snapped. The pack complied.
   "Heel," Kakashi cried out from under the entirety of the pack. The dogs slowly comply. Shiba quickly went to Kurai's side. "Shiba heel." The dog just stood straighter.
   "Uh, Shiba you realise your his," Kurai pointed to Kakashi. "Right?"
   "Yep," the dog talked. "But as you said. I'm your guard." She looked at the dog in shock.
   'Okay Kai. Breath and think,' she looked away. 'He isn't yours, but he said that he was your guard.' She then smoked evilly. 'He can help us get him to train us correctly. Yes!'
   "I'm going to go shopping later this morning," Kakashi sighed. "Go back to sleep. If you can't just cuddle your selected dog."
   All three teens shrug and do as told. The boys, though they won't admit it cuddled together with a pile of dogs. Kurai put her hand on Shiba and followed their example. Bull laid in the middle as two teen too one side and Kurai took the other.
   "Nigh, nigh," Kurai yawned. The two boys replied and quickly they all fell asleep.
   "Pakun why did you guys do that," Kakashi asked with crocodile tears racing down his face.
   "They asked nicely," the little pug smiled. "They are trying to take as much care of you as you have shown them. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth."
   "I know," he sighed as he watched Kurai twitch away from a paw in her back. "That's what I'm afraid of. They will change me and I'm not sure if that will be a good thing." Kakashi went to his room and layer on the bed. He had one so there was no point falling asleep on the floor again, even if he had been asleep sitting up.
          (Later that morning)

   Kakashi was up  before the teen even had a chance to think about waking. He got the food and other things he needed, then he went home. His students were just waking up, and were a little cranky.
   "Kashi," Naruto yawned. "Kai won't get up. Make her get up," the silver haired man just shook his head in an exasperated type of way.
   "Blueberry get up," he kicked her leg. "Or I'll have the dogs on you like you did earlier." She grunted and rolled over
   "Harsh," Sasuke winced. "She just.... Uh actually it has no words to describe what she just said." The only other two awake people looked at him confused.
   "Hn," Kurai grunted.
   "That means shut up and go make breakfast," the raven translated.
   "Kai is right," Naruto yawned. "There needs to be a translate grunt to understand made." He then plopped his head down onto her back. He got a groan in response. "Yeah, yeah I know get off."
   'That dog pile was way to early this morning,' Kakashi sighed. 'I better start making food and plan to move to a bigger place. They need real beds, not just a safe place to sleep, and get away to.' He glanced at the now cuddling male teens around a disgruntled female. They were changing him. And it all started with the only female on the team.
   "Food done yet," Naruto called.
   "He just started dummy," Kurai yawned. She got a grunt in agreement from Sasuke. "You need a bigger vocab(yawn)ulary. Grunting won't get you very far. Unless you write that translation book."


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