The Third is Gone

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(No POV)

   Kurai and Shikamaru followed the ANBU to the roof. A purple see through cube surrounded the insane traitor and third hokage.
The battle inside it had already commenced. The ANBU couldn't get through it. The one who tried disintegrated.
   "We can't go through it," the Ryuu was getting frantic.
   'They can't go through so how?' Both Kurai and Shikamaru were hard at work. Sasuke, Naruto and Gaara landed next/behind them.
   "Its not possible to go through it is it?" Naruto hoped.
   They shook their heads. Then it dawned on Kurai. "Below," she whispered. "If they aren't around or above, where are they." The ANBU looked at her like she was crazy.
   "They are below," Sasuke winced from experience. "First time ever I'm going to thank him for that." The raven haired boy flinched. "Ryuu go from below. The ground isn't covered. So you should be able to get through."
   The ninja's watching the battle between the two men started screaming. They all looked the thirds body falling to the ground. The barrier fell and the ANBU rushed to get Orachimaru.
   The Snake Sannin fled. But his arms didn't move in a natural fashion. Like they had been disconnected from his nervous system.
   "Lord Third!" Ryuu yelled. The younger ninja's who fought, fell in chakra depletion. Kurai watched as ninja's cried for their old Hokage.
   'I don't understand,' she thought. 'He was just a leader. A leader most wanted gone. So... Why?' She understood her blonde sibling and the old man's tears. But the rest skipped her knowledge.
   The funeral was two days after his death. And yet she still had no answers.

                    (Kurai's POV)

   It was raining. Even the sky mourned the loss of the Professor. Another thing I don't understand.
   To be a ninja means to die in combat. Almost none make it to retirement. Much less die of old age/natural in your sleep death. Key word natural.
   Most of these people, villagers, wanted him out of the way. He stood between them and total control of the village. So why do they cry for him?
   Kakashi watched me with concern. I guess my confusion must be setting something off in my teacher.
   "I feel sad," I say. "A life was lost. Its sad. But its also not..." I try to for the word. "He doesn't have to worry the paperwork anymore. Or running a village. He is now safe and on his way to being reborn." Naru watches me.
   He looked ready to strangle me. "What do you know," he hissed. "Your have the emotions of a rock." Tears mixed with rain water.
   "No," I whisper. "I'm confused. Most if not all the council wanted him gone. Dead. He is that, so they cry." Ninja's have exceptional hearing even in such heavy a rain. I could see the shunning begin. Again. For the millionth time in the past month.
   'Because I'm totally a monster,' I snort. I leave them. My team didn't need me there. I wasn't as sad as the rest of the village.
   "Upset?" I looked up to find two people in black cloak/coats, with red clouds on them.
   "Who are you," I move to run back to the mourning village.
   "We aren't anyone of importance," I see red and then nothing.

             (Shikamaru POV)

   I followed Kurai out of the grave yard. What I found wasn't what I expected. She was on the ground, bloody, and not waking up.
   I quickly grab her and rush her to Kakashi-sensei. He looked at her and rushed to me. She didn't respond to anything he did.
   "She won't wake up," it was Sasuke. "Not till its finished. When that will be is undetermined." Apparently he has had experience with what ever it is. "He must have done it," the teen was flat. Only the last remaining two of team 7 understood.
   She was put in a bed in the hospital. She didn't move. If she wasn't breathing she could be mistaken for dead.

                    (Naruto POV)

   Its been three days since the old man has been put in the ground. I miss him. Though Kai is right. It is confusing, how they hated him, but the moment he died. It was like instant sadness, depression and tears.
   The Perverted Toad Sage Sannin, Pervy-Sage as I call him, took me to go find someone and train me.
   Train. What a laugh. He told me what to do and went to find his "research". Me being a borderline genius quickly figured it out. The second part.... Not so much.
   "Uhg! This is to hard," I shout. The pervert smirked and left after checking, glancing to see if I'm still there, on me. We stop at a hotel and got a room. The pervert left after "informing" me he would be gone for most of the day. In short he walked out and didn't look back.
   A little while later a nock on the door gets my attention. I open it with a witty mark on my tongue. Only for it to fall short since it wasn't the pervert. Two men with black coat type things, and red jackets stood there.
   "Naruto Uzumaki?" The familiar one asked. I keep quiet trying to rack my brain.
   "Itachi!" I hear a voice yell. I turn to see Sasuke breathing hard near the stairs. "What do you want with my teammate?"
   "Still so weak," the older Uchiha smirked. "But I'm not here for you."
   The shark like one asked to cut off my legs. I was almost tempted to say they would just grow back, but then I didn't want to push it. Because what if he did, and they didn't. One) awkward. Two) I would be loosing my legs.
   I missed an exchange between Sasuke, Itachi, and the pervert. Sasuke looked like kai did the other day. A human sleeping doll.
   The ANBU took him back and I continued to fight the time limit I was given to learn this jutsu.
        (Meeting Tsunade is the same so is how she came back to the village.)
   I watched my team be woken up. Kai would be asleep longer than the other two, but still. For Itachi, our Itachi, to do this.
   Kakashi started to wake. And he was not happy. Apparently I'm the one the sociopath was after. Joy.
   "Sasuke fall to them also?" I nod. In truth I was lucky they, the eyes, weren't used on me. No telling the damage. No telling.
   I did watch Shikamaru Nara baby my normally antisocial sister. It was cute. She pouted like an upset kitten. Or at least that's what Kakashi said.


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