Glasses and the Past

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                     (No POV)

   Naruto and Sasuke were put in the hospital for a check up before they were to be trained. The wheel chaired teen laughed at their plight.
   "Sure laugh at us all you want," Naruto glared.
   "I'm not just laughing at you," she snickered. "I'm laughing at Kashi-sensei also. They have him next door strapped down, and even put gloves on him." She giggled.
   "You and you're dark humor," the blonde sighed. "Who is our doctor?"
   "Hmm," she looked at the paper she had in her hands. "Looks like Hawk is the one." She frowned and flipped the page, "No wait. Its. Why is this so hard?" The last part was barely audible, but the ANBU waiting to come in heard it.
   "Hello boys," Hawk came in and  gently pushed her to the third bed in the room. "I'm going to start on your sister. It will be a bit since its not just her shoulder I'll be checking." The boys nod. Kurai only groaned in pain when she was moved.
   "Where is Gaara, Naru?" She asked to get her mind away from her check up and the pain moving her arm was causing.
   "Waiting for me to get out so I can fix it," the blue eyed, blonde smiled softly. The floor somehow earned a glare from the, now, fuming Uchiha. "Then I want all of us to ho out to eat." The bubbly blonde missed the emo ducky perk up.
   "Sure," both other teens agree.
   "Now Kurai I need you to close your left eye please," she complied. Follow the tip of the senbon.
   "The... What?" She asked. "Its all blurred." Her cheeks were red with embarrassment. "I'm blind aren't I." She wanted to cry.
   "Sasuke hold up your hand," he did as ordered. "Choose a number."
   Kurai looked at her oldest sibling. "Its either three or six," depending on if he is using civilian sign language."
   "You need glasses Kurai," the teen in question looked down. She was trying to not cry. "It will be okay. I know many ninjas that fight with glasses and they stay on during a fight." Hawk only got a nod in return.
   "Our turn?" Naruto spoke up. "Um... Can I have my eyes checked also? You know, just in case." He did as he was asked.
   "You have a small stigmatism," the ANBU laughed. She then did the rest of the check up. "You're healthy. As expected."
   The Uchiha asked for an eye exam also. "You're eyes are strained," the ANBU looked at him puzzled. "Have you gotten your sharigan yet?"
   "No ma'am," he said truthfully. "Not yet. I'm going to try and do it this coming month."
   "Both you and your sister will be getting monthly eye exams," the ANBU sighed. "Yours is slightly worrying. You're eyes should not be so strained. Have you been reading in the dark?" The brunette looked down sheepishly. "Its not healthy," she medic chastised. "Please stop or you will ruin your eyes more."
Then she let them leave. Kurai was being pushed by Sasuke as they go next door to their teacher.
   "I don't want the medicine," a very masculine voice whined. "No. NONONONONO!" The teens just looked at each other.
   "As much as I would love to stay," Naruto looked at the door in interest. "I have a seal to work on. But please do keep in mind I will want a blow by blow account."
   "Kk Seal," Kurai smiled. "I'll think about it." She got a glare in return and a snicker from the emotionless doll. "Bye Naruto." The blonde left in a huff. "He is going to get pay back isn't he."
   "Oh you bet," Sasuke chuckled.
   They walk/wheel into the room to find their teacher being held down. Their old teacher Iruka Umino held a syringe in his hand.
"Kakashi you know you need your check ups, just like your students," the man was in lecture mode.
   "Sensei?" Kurai asked a little intimidated by the smaller man. She looked at the mednin holding the next syringe and asked," Is Sensei okay?"
   The doctors in the room glared at her, but the teen ignored it. "Yes he has just been neglecting his yearly shots," the mednin chuckled.
   The teens watched as the silver haired man was given his shots. His please for mercy went unanswered. He was handed to the teens when they were done.
The teens dragged their teacher to go find Naruto and get food. They fond the blonde in a wheel chair napping. The purple haired female only poked his cheek. He grabbed her hand to stop her.
   "Waky, waky, shaky, baky," she sang. The blonde teen opened his eyes and glared at her. "Oh your fine. Sensei is afraid of needles." That got the blondes attention quickly. "He apparently has been avoiding his shots all year."
   "We have been tasked to make sure he goes to his appointments," Sasuke put his two cents in.
   They go to eat and found team 10 on their own way to do so. Asuma asked them to join. Sasuke and Kakashi said yes. Shikamaru looked at the other teens to confirm that it was fine.
   "Where will we be going?" Kurai asked softly.
   "BBQ," Chogi smiled happily. The weary teens agree, but don't say anything, which bothered Shikamaru more than he wanted to say.
   "So Miss. I-took-on-a-sannin, how does it feel to do so?" Asuma asked while smoking his cancer stick.
   "I never want to do so again," she said truthfully. "No matter how old I am, Orachimaru the Sake Sannin scares me," She shuttered from just the thought. "Then again I was two the last time I saw him."
   "About that," Naruto chuckled softly. "Even I don't know your story and I met you the first day at the academy."
   I'll tell you but its not pretty," she looked up to the sky. "I was born into the life he used me for. A test tube child. No parents that I can truly tell you. If what was found not burnt from the explosion is correct. I'm a mix of a bunch of families. Which ones they are were lost to the flames." She looked down to see they were in front of the BBQ place.
   "Then why are you here and not where the people who found you are?" Chogi asked softly.
   "I am," she giggled. "Deer found me. He help take care of me and taught me to walk, talk, and even read and write." Kakashi glared at the sky since he really didn't like the though of someone else taking care of her like a daughter.
   "Wow," Shino spoke. "What happened to cause the fire?"
   "That's better left said in a more private setting," Kurai giggled.


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