Gravity Seals Suck

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                (Kakashi POV)

   I woke up three whole days after the first time I woke up. I woke to Kurai being cranky about getting up. She is normally semi quiet. This morning she was a banshee with a noise maker.
   "Berry if you wanted me to become deaf there are ways that don't hurt your throat," I say quietly. She only glares at me. She then glared at the two boys sitting away from us.
   Now normally the look on her face I would associate with Naruto and his pranks. She then quickly shifted through my things. Mine. Not hers. Mine.
   "Sorry sensei I don't have the sealing paper," she muttered lowly.
   'Ah so she does know a little bit about seals,' I nod giving my consent to the one she choose. Since it would help in the long run.
   She whipped up to seals and promptly slapped them onto the backs of the boys. They got up and she snapped her fingers.
   Both boys fell flat on their backs. She snapped again and they sat up. Naruto glared at her when he checked what it was. She smiled sweetly and held up another one.
   "Gravity seals?" He glared harder. She only smiled sweetly and waltzed back over to me.
"Sensei she put a gravity seal on us," the blonde complained even though I was right here. Laying down. And not to mention it was my paper!
   I said as much and got an idiot answer back. Kurai just shook her head and put the seal on her back also. Only not along her spine like the boys.
   I activated it and watched as all three tried to stand up. Kurai got it first, but she quickly met her familiar friend. The floor. Hands first.
   "Owy," she whimpered. "Stupid floor. "I'm going to be a permanent black and blue by the end of this mission." She rolled to her back. "Stupid seal." My team nodded but didn't take them off.
   'Temporary gravity seal,' I muse. 'Amazing.' I got up and we walked/stumbled/crawl out into the dinning area. "Hello I'm these heathen's sensei."
   "Hello I'm Tsunami," the lady smiled. "What may I call you?"
   "Sensei will be fine," I answer. It reminded me of the first time we left the village.
   Kurai and Sasuke were shifting through the boxes trying to find one to use that wasn't about to breakdown.
   A teen, who worked on the farm we were at, started chatting away with them. He only got a glance from both of my quieter students.
   "I'm Kyo," he smiled willingly at my little female student.
   "He is Ningyō. I'm Berī. And those two can tell you their names," and she got back to work.
                (End flashback)
   'Turned out it was a ninja trying to get info on us,' he watched as his boys fixed his female student's seal so it rest along her spine like theirs.
   "Here is breakfast," the builders daughter, who's name I have forgotten and really don't care to, called.
   "Hai miss," my team called in union. They quickly and quietly test their food for tampering, before eating it.
   'Why are they so on edge?" I glance at our hosts. 'Its not them is it,' I do the same, mostly to get use to doing so again. Kurai took the first bite and dug in.
   "Sensei are we going to be training today?" Naruto asked in a hyper tone of voice.
   "Yes," I chuckle. 'Might as well,' the old man came down with the flu so I didn't have to worry about him, yet. "Berī, Ningyō, Shīru, meet me by the dock in half an hour." All three nod, giving me puzzled looks.
   "Youl think we're in trouble?" Naruto asked quietly. The others only shrugged their shoulders.

                    (No POV)

   The teens made it, though sluggishly from the seal. They had gotten use to the gravity seal, but not quite. Though Naruto was the better balanced at the moment. Their teacher led them into the forest near by and explained, "You are going to to the tree walking exercise."
   "But Gin-sensei," Naruto whined. "We already know how to use it." His pout looked adorable on his cherub face.
   "This is an endurance test isn't it," Kurai looked at their teacher shocked. "Sensei won't that put to much strain on our bodies?"
"Nope," he smiled. "Climb my little heathens. Climb." All three teens shook their head in laughter. Sasuke made it up first, then Naruto. Kurai on the other hand slipped and fell into the tree leaving a nice body imprint on it.
   She continued up the tree to find she wasn't the only one in it. "Uh," she glanced at her teammates then to the person. "Hi? Please don't attack." Then she moved past the person. Said person followed.
   So she walked down the tree; which was much harder to do. She finally gave up when her teammates came to talk and just let herself fall onto Sasuke.
The person still followed. The teens backed up to their teacher and waited for orders.
   "What do you want," Kakashi glared. He wasn't healed completely but if need be he would fight to save his students.
   "To talk," came a feminine voice.
   "Quit it," Kurai hissed. Unlike her teen teammates, the purple haired female realised "she" isn't.
   The male nodded and gently took off his hunter mask. "I'm here to ask for help," he sighed. "My master is really hurt from your match. He can't even lift his finger without tiring out. We only took this job so that we could make a home somewhere."
   "You're the hunter that killed Momochi?" Naruto looked shocked. "Sensei?"
   "Shīru," Kakashi looked at him. "Send a clone. Report what it says but we will be working on your training," the man flared at them. Until gravity, times the seal, worked its magic on Kurai. She sat up unhappy with the development.
   "Stupid gravity," she was then picked up to be looked over. "I'm fine," she whimpered as a tender bruise was poked. "Stop~ it~. That hurts!"
"Your whole back is bruised," Sasuke clucks his tongue. "I have to take the seal off. If this is what happens doing simple stuff it will be worse with other stuff." She pouted, because the boys would be getting better.
   "Don't worry Berī," Naruto smiles. "Despite his emoness Ningyō knows his stuff." She giggled at the insult.
   "Nope," Kakashi smirked. "Leave it on her. If it does get worse we will take it off, but for now leave it."
   "Hai sensei," two unhappy and one happy student called.
   'She won't be my baby sister much longer,' Sasuke internally groaned. 'I wonder if this is what He felt?'
   'If Kai gets stronger then I just need to be better,' the surprisingly sane one was Naruto. Well sorta, "Gin-sensei I need better training. Harder training. I can't be weak."
   Sasuke jumped on bored. The female of the team looked at them like they were crazy.
   "But its already dangerous as it is boys," she sighed. "Want to see a trick?" She got their attention. She tapped Naruto on his shoulder and it became numb. "Move it."
   It wouldn't move. Kakashi looked interested. She explained that the human body had curtain spots that could easily kill someone, as knock them out.
   "What did you do?" Naruto asked as feeling came back to his poor arm.
   "I tapped it with my chakra," she smiled evenly. "Its like the the pearl eyed people. They just can see them and shut down the soul points. I wouldn't dream of trying it without one there to make sure I don't kill or harm someone.' She pulled out a scroll. It had the human body with a detailed area with lines pointing to each one.
   Kakashi decided to have her test some of the hurt people of ANBU. See if she can help with their healing.
   "Well back to work," Sasuke yawned. "We have to get back." All of them flinched. They hadn't realised the time while training.
   "I can try on you tonight sensei," kurai said softly. "It might help with your eyes. And other things like stress, and so on," she left him to let herself be babies by her two siblings. Even if she hated it.
   'Such an adorable family I have," he smiled. 'To think she challenges me in everything. She is the first I have ever had to prove myself with. I haven't lost yet. But that's not always a given,' he thought off all the things he did with Mito Gai that he lost in.
   Then he watched a three come to a stop to finally rip the seals off themselves. Though Kurai had trouble, but wouldn't tell im why. Nor did Naruto know.
   "Well they lasted a day," he smiled. "Food time. Go eat heathens."


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