Team 10

109 4 7

                   (Shika's POV)

   I watched as Kurai smiled sadly. What she said is true. We would have noticed if fire swirled around her in class.
   'It would give a whole new meaning and level to "The Will of Fire" all the adults talk about,' my inner chibi snickered with delight. 'Yes it would,' I agreed.
   "Oh we need to get going," The adorable female sighed. "Stupid doctors appointments," her grumbles got quieter the farther her team pushed her chair away from us.
   Smoke-sensei caught my attention then. He had a contemplative look in his eye. So I decided to bother him.
   "Hey Smoke-sensei," it took him a second. "What are you thinking about?"
   "She is the only surviver," he said. "She isn't the one to blow the lab. From your reactions of course." He sighed. "Which leaves Water, or she wasn't on the building when it exploded."
   "What is her bloodline?" Chogi asked the question that was going to plague our minds.
   "We should go check on Hinata," Smoke-sensei said, paying for the food, then dragging Chogi out of his favorite restaurant. Which is a feat in of its self.
   We found the Hyuugia princess awake when we got there. She looked ready to murder someone. Since she threatened Berry during the test, I will have to watch her.
   "Hinata-chan!" Ever the bubbly personality, Chogi smiled at her.
   "Troublesome," I sigh. "Glad you're awake." Shino just stood in the background. Hinata smiled softly at us.
   "Now that we are all in one place," Smoke-sensei's hand twitched. "Now I believe you have heard what team 7 calls each other. Gin for Kakashi, Blackberry for Mira, Seal for Uzumaki, and lastly Doll for Uchiha."
   "What does that have to do with anything?" Chogi asked innocently.
   "They aren't real names," I say. "Gin translates to silver. Ningyō would be Sasuke's. Shīru for seal. The only one I don't get is Mira-san's. Hers would be Burakkuberī."
   "They call her Berry a lot," Chogi said. "That would be Berī." Hinata was quiet but her eyes held an anger in them. It set me on edge.
   "Why would we do anything she does," she snapped. The only one to truly show he was startled was Chogi.
   "Imagine getting info on a curtain ninja," Smoke-sensei explained. "Having their names helps a lot. But if you never use your real name, when your on an infiltration mission, or need to get away, you can use your real name. Its not full proof, but its a good one to have in case."
   "What would ours be," Chogi munched on his chips. When he finished that bag he pulled out another. That still stumps me. It has to be a family thing, because I've seen Chogi's family do it also.
   "Well I already have mine," Smoke-sensei smiled good naturedly. "Right Shikamaru?"
   "What do you mean Smoke-sensei?" I had to. He tossed it out there. I had to follow throw.
   "It fits," Shino nodded.
   "Shika could be Cloud," Chogi smiled. "Since that's all he seems to do." The jab was good natured, so I left it alone.
   "Sure thing Chip," I smugly say. He looked at the item then laughed.
   "Hinata was easy to come up with," she looked at us confused.
   "Princess," we say all at once.
   "Princess?" She gasped. "I-I'm n-n-not a Pr-pri-princess." Our teacher just looked at her like she was an idiot.
   "What would we name Shino," Chogi asked.
   "Sun short for Sunglasses," I smile softly. 'This is going to be fun,' I smirk when Hinata glared at the door. 'Berry is near if she is glaring.'
   Yeah, its true. Sweet, gentle, shy, Hinata Hyuugia, despises the very air Kurai Mira breaths. Only its not her she has to fight for her crushes attention.
   "Hi Hinata," the glare disappears. "I'm here to check on you. Berry said you had to talk to me, also." I shuffle out of the room after the rest of my team.
   "Berry I got your glasses," Uchiha said handing over a silver pair of frames. She slowly set them on the bridge of her nose and pushed then up. "Opinion?"
   "Everything is so clear," she whispered. "Hi," she whispered waving to my team. "Did you just see Hyuugia-san?" Smoke nods.
   "Kumo come on," Chogi called as he started to leave. I slowly start to mosey my way out of the building.
   "Bye Lazy Cloud Shadow," the sweet berry giggles. "What Doll?" She asked. I didn't hear the reply because the Banshee Twins showed up.
   'I'm so glad I'm not on a team with them,' I watch in a mock fascination when an angry Yamanaka head stormed in after them. 'So troublesome.'


   *Before now I didn't realise how slightly OOC I made Shikamaru. He is more active then I believe he actually is. Please tell me if it is true. Thanks.

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