Chapter 2; All Grown up.

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(( time skip to when Tohru is 15 ))
(( Tohru POV))

I smiled to myself,waking up and running my eyes. I looked around my room before getting up and getting dressed. I walked down the stairs with a bounce in my step. The only people that seemed to be awake was Reiji and Laito. Hm. That's weird. I walked into the livingroom where they sat,talking.

"Hey guys. "I hummed out happily and sitting down on the couch with a smile. "Oh,you're awake. "Reiji said,looking over at me. "Well speak of the devil,we were just talking about you." Laito said,Moving seats and sitting really close to me,getting in my personal space. But I honestly didn't care, I was used to it.

Now I know what you may be thinking, " Taemin,you're fifteen, aren't your brothers in their 20s/ 30s??"(in appearance) And no. They aren't . Vampire aging is very different than human aging. From birth to our teenage years,Aging is very fast,but once we get to a certain age,our 'aging' is slower. We're all thousands of years old,but our appearances do not change like humans.

I just smiled at Laito. There really wasn't any point in trying to push him away and make him stop,because he never will. It really makes me laugh when Yui thinks it will work. I looked at Reiji. "Where is everyone else?"I asked. It was the weekend ,so we didn't have school. Reiji sighed "sleeping " he said,sounding very annoyed. I nodded softly before sighing. I was getting really thirsty.. but I've made it my goal not to drink from Yui. I did once but her blood made me puke.. it wasn't a good day for me but it was getting out of control.

My pupils dialated,signalling I was thirsty. Laito looked over at Reiji after noticing. Reiji stood and grabbed my hand,leading me to the kitchen where he grabbed a bottle from the fridge. "Here. Don't drink it all,this may be all you have for a while." I looked down at the bottle that was handed to me and nodded ,smiling. Reiji ruffled my hair before leaving me alone.

Drinking the blood in the bottle was very refreshing and made me feel 100% better. I couldn't drink most human's blood or i'd get sick and just throw it up. I could only drink blood from animals and other Vampires,which I sometimes got to feed off of my brothers. But rarely. Mostly Shu because he doesn't give a shit...

Reiji doesn't like me drinking from animals since their unsanitary but it's either that or...well. you know.

I set the bottle back In the fridge. Then I walked out,stretching. I took out my phone and read a text I had received while I was engulfed in my own thoughts. I tilted my head. "Hm? Do you see something you don't understand?" Laito asked,trying to peek at my phone. "I have a meeting with another performer today by the name of..Kou..Mu..ka...mi." I struggled in saying his last name. My siblings' faces went pale. "Er...did you read that wrong?" Reiji asked, snatching my phone from me and reading over the text. He groaned,handing me my phone.

"Do you guys not like him?" I asked,only earning groans. "I guess not... but we should get going. The meeting is in two hours and it'll take us about and hour and thirty minutes to get there." Reiji nodded and began to wake everyone up while Laito just looked pissed.

I put my phone away and sat next to Laito,leaning on him. "Lighten up Lai. I'm right here." I said,My French accent showing by the way I rolled my Rs. He just smiled,ruffling my hair. "Okay,Frenchy."

Hopefully everything goes well.

// haha, sorry for a semi-short chapter :^)

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