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Hooray CHAPTER 20!!!!!


~°Taylor's POV°~

Party Time!!

Cameron, Shawn, Isabelle...Basically Everyone was sitting across a long table.

As we were waiting the security guards were walking towards the door.

"EVERYONE READY!!??" one of the guards shouted out in a question form.

"Yes!" everyone sitting down around the long table said in an unison.

I was so excited.

Finally I get to meet New Yorker's.

Like Isabelle.

What a pretty name.

If you were wondering were I was sitting I was next to Carter on my left and Jack G. on my right.

"3...2...1..." a different security guard said holding up a walkie talkie.

The guards opened the doors.

Damn there was lot of screaming.

Let's Begin shall we?


~°Isabelle's POV°~

That was AWESOME!!!

Oh my God!!

I heard some guys in the crowd screaming my name.

Well someone's got game.

It was so cool.

But there was this question that a fan (girl) asked me. It was disturbing question.

"If you lost your virginity with one the boys, who would it be and Why?? Please Explain

Of course I didn't answer it but I a sure you that I don't think about sex.

But now I was. Lol

I was already 11. We have one more event in New York then we go to Dallas.

We leave New York in 2 days. After the 2nd event, all of thw boys and I are going to see some buildings in Manhattan.

I am so excited.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll pick up my plane tickets at home.

Maybe I can ask Taylor if he can go with me.

I have Dallas, Orlando, and D.C tickets. I have to purchase 1 more tickets. I believe it was it was Nashville.

The only difference with the New York tour and the other states was that... New York, we were only going to tour 2 session; one today; and another tomorrow.

The rest we will be touring for 3 sessions.

It is going to be EPIC!...

Tomorrow is going to be a great day.

I haven't been on vine for awhile.

Remember??... I am in Nash's, Cameron's, and Matthew's

Hotel Room.

Well I am going to slap cam on Matthew.

He was filming a YouTube video. Q and A Video.

God I love those.

I go into the kitchen area, where I see Cameron and Nash playing Go Fish.

"Fuck" sounded like Nash and probably Cameron was laughing. Probably it was the other way around.

All of a sudden, I see cards flying every where. Well someone's on their period.

I looked over....Cameron lost.

So he was the one who said Fuck. Okay.

"Hey,...Hey Guys." I said in whisper voice to get Nash and Cameron's attention.

They didn't hear me.

"Cameron...Nash" in a whisper tone again.

Now they look.

"yea?? And why are you whispering?" Nash asked.

Cameron giggled

"Slap Cam??" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

They nodded their heads.

I went to the fridge again, I got the whip cream and Cameron got Marshmallow Fluff.

Marshmallow Fluff is gonna hurt. Sorry Matt.

Nash was gonna use the marshmallow fluff also.

I applied whip cream onto the palm of my hand.

While these 2 bozos started squeezing the marshmallow fluff at each other.

"Stop It"

They stopped.

The 3 of us were tip toeing towards Matthews voice.

He was still filming a video. Good.

I forgot, my phone. Oh yea Taylor was here.

I walk towards the kitchen.

I see Cameron and Nash looking at me with a confused expression.

"Don't Worry" I mouthed.

"Hey, Taylor.... Can you help me open this please."

I looked over to Cameron and Nash again. They gave me a thumbs up.

Taylor came into the kitchen.

"Yea?" Taylor asked.

I try to take out my phone from my pocket with one hand.

Got it.

"Can you take a vine of Nash, Cameron, and I...,please?"

"Is it slap cam?"

I nodded

"Sure, why not" he said and shrugged his shoulders.


"No problem."

Matthew was still filming.

Taylor got my phone ready.

The 4 of us already set the plan.

I walk into the room. I sit on the bed and try not make I obvious. Then Nash comes in and jumps on,top of Matthew and slaps him. Cameron was already hiding in the bathroom.

"Ready?" Nash and Cameron asked me.

"Yup" popping out the '


Well that didn't work out.

Matt got me back. He said he heard Taylor and I talking. Fuck. Wow I suck.

Matthew took whip cream and smudged my face with it.

Then we both fell off the bed, cause we were both standing on the bed. lol.

He fell down first then I toppled onto him.



I think I've been posting daily? Have I?

kik me

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