Chapter 8: Playing Dirty...With Snow

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.:Chapter 8: Playing Dirty...With Snow:.


I blink. What's his intentions? I mean slamming a dumb staff to the ground and nothing happens...maybe I got that wrong...well, they always tell you, never underestimate your enemies.

I turn around as I feel a bunch of snow fall onto me, I shield my head as it comes collapsing onto me. Dear lord...we are such little kids. I crawl out the snow, my head peeps out. I see Jack on the ground laughing like a boy finding some potty joke funny. I grunt and lift myself out. "Stupid men." I mutter. I walk to him and kick some snow over his head

He jumps up " got out so quick!"

"I do have snow powers you know, to inform you." I snap.

"What? Don't get angry, you froze my face."

"So stupid."
I twist my fingers in the air, a small cluster of snow flew up, bending with my will.

He sighs, "Well then." He thrusts his hands forward sending a ball of snow mixture flying at me. I thrusts my own hands forward and up, sharp pointed icicles shot out of the ground blocking his ball of snow. The once use to be a snow ball slams against the barricading wall and tumble down into a heap do sad failure.
I shrug and smile. He just shakes his head, "Wow."
I laugh "Want another match or-" I break into a wide grin and send a slate of snow fall over his head and flow down his body, coating him in powdery dusts of snow. He scowls and shakes his head, "Let's truce El." I laugh and nod, "That'd be a great idea."
We stand in silence for a while as we watched the sun pour down on us.

"Anyways, where are you headed...?"
"I'm headed to the centre band, I assume you also know." I answer.
He nods and pulls out the map i had smugly. "quick sly and awesome." He winks.
I grumble some profanities under my breath. Now that isn't some good language for a lady. "Why? And how?" I ask shaking my head in disappointment for myself.
"Pulled out from the dark, map fell, got it. BOOM" he says.
I puff out an annoyed breath.
"I'm going there too, I want to know if there are many others just like me and what that dark thing was."
I nod "Me too"
"let's go then!" He yells and grabs my arm. We run up the mountain laughing about. I like this boy. An hour ago we were fighting each other then tp next we're traveling together.
The snow drifts apart, the coldness clings to our clothes but it don't bother us.
As the sun fell down and the endless tiring journey continued, hope began to fall. "What are we doing?" I ask and drag my feet through the hard crusty snow. He shrugs disoriented. "Does it even exist?" I ask and push through the cold wind. I fell to the ground and say there as the wind twisted around us "This sucks, I'm tired!" I whine. He collapses
done beside me.
I suddenly jump up "We need to hurry! The dark fog, it may come after us again!" I feel the air drop a few degrees, I feel the empty dark forces crawl up the mountain sides. He jumps up and we run, I can feel it coming out the forest. I shudder, this is not too fun.

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The dark, I can suddenly feel it now, yearning to swallow us in cold dreaded fogs of death. Death again? I feel bad not telling Elsa I was also here to find my parents and origins but I can't. Have I died yet? I honesty have no clue. I sigh and run on.

I feel a burn lick my feet, I turn around and see a large creature, a dark fume of swirling dark smoke as a figure. "Elsa! Run!" I yell. I thrust my staff at the thing and watch as it absorbed the energy. Elsa turns to me, wide eyed.


Booooom! <3

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