Chapter 13: Elden

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.:Chapter 13: Elden:.


I smile uncertainly at Elden, what will he do to me? I already feel very unsafe and nervous, how can I go on?

"Elsa, Jack. Please come in! I'm so glad you are here!" he greets like we're old friends, which we aren't. Probably not in my case...

Me and Jack exchange an uncertain look.

"Well come in, we need to talk." He nudges to the white towering doors infront of us.

I gulp.

"Wow, this is interesting," he murmurs.

I shrug.

I glance at Elden and he smiles to me and then over tot the door, he trots inside.

"Do we follow him in?" I ask Jack.
"Of course!" chirps a voice that belongs to Amber.
I nod, "Alrighty then..."

I step inside and feel, I feel extremely vulnerable here...
An uneasy feeling lingers behind me. This is all happening so fast, am I going to regret my decision?

I shudder as I enter the room, I sense a strong source of power here, ancientness. Over whelming me, I take in a deep breath and blink rapidly.
Glancing at Jack, he's staring intently at Elden, awaiting his answers.
I turned back, this is going to interesting.

I here soft whispers in the air, visions of fire, men clashing swords and then darkness invades my vision. I frown and take a wobbly step back, the image subsides and I'm brung into the scene of the house. White marble statues stand tall at the side, we are lead to what looks like a living room. A fireplace crackles in the middle bring warmth to us, I shudder lightly and frost crawls up my hands. I shake it away.

I glance at Jack, his eyes are sharp and his breath is unsteady, I frown. He must of saw what I saw.

I notice Elden looking at us grimly.
"Thoughts of the past..." he murmurs to us, "this house contains extremely ancient being and souls that wander these halls. Wizards and powerful souls have entered this house and it has been said that a fragment of their souls have fallen into this house thousands of years ago." His hands lightly trail against the marble column that he passes.

I shudder softly.

"Sit down my dear, we have a lot to talk about." He gestures to the large couch.

We all take a seat down, me, Jack, Willow, Amber and Meredith.

The couch is soft and the leather is worn off on the arm rests, I carefully sit myself beside Jack. He smiles warmly to me.

Did the heat just rise 10°?

I look away, embarrassed. I watch as Elden sits down across from the coffee table, in a brown leather couch, identical from the one we're on.

He looked up at us. "The dark is rising... The Wodahs are rising." (Wodahs/ Whoa-Duh-s. Wodahs/Shadow)
I frowned, the what?
Casting a quick glance at Jack, he seemed to be just as confused as I was.
Elden must've noticed our confused faces as he had chuckled lightly before continuing on. "Sorry, translation of that is Shadow. Latin, my dear."
The light that once came from the window had dimmed, a long shadow casted from the window and a small chill crawled up my neck. I felt Jack freeze beside me.

I glances at Elden, his face was grim, dark creases folded themselves on his forehead and his eyes crinkled.

"Wodahs, a man who controlled the dark realms of shadows. Darkness isn't necessarily bad but most bad essence comes from the dark. Those who hide soon find themselves engulfed in the cold darkness and horrid thoughts of evil, soon find themselves falling in an inevitable abyss of death. With that, blossoms the demons," his voice echoes. I hold onto the armrest, frost building beneath my palm, the room growing cold.

"Um...Elden, we have...uh, seen some things. Yetis of the east have came to the south side and we were attacked by shadow creatures on the way. We assume they are from the forest..." Willows soft voice squeaks. I gulp.

Elden nods, "Yes but those creatures hide anywhere. They lurk in the dark and await the best moments to attack and plant their darkness in the minds of the weak."

"It could be Pitch!" Jack blurts out.
Pitch? Who's that?

"No, Pitch is gone. This dark force is stronger and much more powerful than Pitch, awakened at the death of Pitch."

I furrowed my brows. "The day before my crowning, I saw...something dark. It's shadowed crossed my room in the figure of a cloud, it was wispy but when I looked again it was gone..." I said.
Eldens eyes widened, "It must of tried to get you but your aura of power scared them away. It must of been only one Venti." (Venti, a black smoke monster that takes shape as a half Human-Half smoke)

A venti...those were only in tales and books.

I sighed, this isn't good.

We came to the ice house after the talk and I soon found myself asleep...

Images of black and crawling mist came into my vision. Dark clouds rolled in the sky and thundered shaking the foundations of Arandelles castle walls. I screamed as a black shadow crossed Anna and engulfed her weak fragile body. She shrieked and fell to the ground, I stood frozen and watching.

I jolted up in horror, sweat dripping down my back and my hair plastered to my face. The room rang of silence, I glanced at the window.

Dark clouds rolled in and veiled the moon, the room turned darker and dimmed. My hands trembled, only a dream, I told myself but somehow it felt real and I had bad feeling it may happen if I'm too late. I need to protect Anna.

You're strong, not afraid.

Cold frost traveled down my bed and blanketed the room, at least I lived with a bunch of people who had powers similar to me. I shuddered, and a dark shadow loomed over me but it soon passed over leaving me scared and nervous.

Something greater than I every thought...was rising.

The rise of the dark


Hahah, rise of the dark? Rise of the guardians.

I hoped u like this chapter, it gives a sense of the plot. More Jelsa shall happen. Not much Jelsa in this chapter.


Vote, comment and follow! <3


Last Updated: Tuesday, May 6th
Edit Note: Last edited Monday, August 3rd, 2015
Thank you all for the support, 100 votes and 6k reads. More than I even asked for!

Jee, I love you all that are still reading this silly little fan-Fic!!!

Much love,


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