Chapter 1: Away I Go

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Warning: I made this book a year ago; my writing style has changed so proceed with caution. The writing is sloppy and extremely disorganized, it's terribly written. Enjoy :3

Chapter 1: Away I Go

Prologue(Not even):


CRYSTAL blue skies and snow blanketed mountains tops. Arandelle lay all bright in the summer light, a small castle that laid in the heart of the town. Children played in the warm sunlight and the adults busied themselves for the Re: Queening of Elsa. Rumors had anchored themselves within the roots of the town, spreading faster than a wildfire.
Citizens gossiped, truths being blended and twisted into unruly lies.
"Is she really going to be a queen again?"
"Will she freeze us again? "
"She's a witch! Kill her!"
"Was she a witch?"
These rumors have weaved themselves into the ears of the citizens and even the royals, not much a positive spark. As Elsa ignored them and people got punished for their ill talk of the Queen though they traveled around to many different lands, spreading far.
Elsa was as isolated as ever, maybe ever more. Though her heart had sunken into an abyss of sadness, she stuck her chin up and stayed strong, holding herself together and pulling up her façade.

Like a crystal on a rock, laid the ice castle upon the mountain, it glittered and glistened on top of the mountains. A young girl in her twenties stepped onto the balcony dressed in a blue satin dress followed by her transparent veiled cape. She leaned against the balcony and released a long heavy sigh, the crowning.
"Oh gosh, they rejected me last time that happened," she mutter bitterly, dread coursing through her veins. She needed air, a little time to settle the storm within her heart.
Down in the palace Anna ran through town in search for dear Elsa who was no where in sight. People gawked at her as she dashed through the crowd screaming out Elsa's name. Many men and women shook their heads disapprovingly, "Is this what they take as a princess nowadays? Ridiculous." One woman muttered to herself as she carried a large basket of apples in her hands.
Anna ran up the mountain, a last resort for placement. Elsa needed to get ready for the crowning, she had to clear her name. Being late could only bring her image down. Worry shook through Anna as she carried her feet through the snow.
Only time would tell how everything would play through.

The North Pole

Jack Frost looked at North, brewing with anticipation and anxiousness.
"What would you like?" North asked kindly, a soft smile played on his pale chapped lips.
"Well...I want to find out how this power really came from you know...the man on the moon...he well visited me in a dream and...I felt a need."

North sighed, he knew a day like this would come, Jacks curiosity would carry him to some sort of adventure.
"You know that something greater than Pitch will rise in power, days like this we need you....but we do need more recruits," he sighed.
Jack nodded "Legend states that powers of Ice, Fire, Electric, Earth and Air use to be in clans. Books state it, old ones from the Ancients have told about it. Maybe I can find something," he suggested.
It took a while but North finally came through, "Would you want Tooth, Bunnymund or anyone to help?"
Jack shook his head, "No thanks." He knew where to go, he knew that deep inside, North had knew this all along, those scattered books within the library, hinting something more.
So he departed from the North Pole and set out to kingdoms far far away. He left to the tell tale Kingdom Of Beldons. It was a long cold journey but the cold didn't bother him.


I sighed and leaned on the balcony for support, being a Queen is hard especially if the whole kingdom is constantly gossiping about you, not realizing you know every word they say makes it to your own ears.

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