Chapter 15: Crystal Answers

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Chapter 15: Crystal Answers


I sat on my bed, thinking of Jack. No, before you think it is thoughts of romantics, it was just his little friendship between us. I never had a friend, only Anna. Oh Anna. He is such an innocent boy, yet extremely wise as I have learnt. I seem like a pathetic, little girl compared to him, who radiates power and wisdom.

My little cabin mates were with me, Alona. Adedalina and Louisa. They were born here, parents with the strings of the cold winters ice, coursing through their very blood.

Alona was a 14 year old girl, shy but smart.

Adedalina is my age, twins with Louisa, they're all unique girls. It was awkward at first but I learnt from observation. Yep, I'm a creep. Creepy, creep.

Good god Elsa, has Jack rubbed on to me now? We've been talking a lot since getting to this place, I learnt so much about him.

I wonder about my parents, do they have this very same power running through them? Their death had saddened me, me and Anna only have each other now but she has found a willing companion; god, what was that boys name? Ah well, I haven't been paying much attention to their relationship but I know he's been cheering up my dear Anna. I wonder now they are now, they were just planning out a marriage which I will miss. It's a shame really but I have choose this path. I haven't gotten much answers but I'll find out this night. I sighed as anxiety fills me. Have my ancestors been here or had this crazy power? I truly do wonder, I haven't had any real alone time or time to think properly. My abrupt leave was crazy and completely rushed, I shouldn't have done that, it was so out of the blue.

Questions plague my mind, did mother and father know of this? I really wonder, what also worries me is of the dark, some crazy opposing force that threatens the lives of many.

The door suddenly flies open to reveal Adedalina, dark brown hair flying all over the place and a bow in hand. Many of the cabin mates are out during the night, still gone even as the clock reached 9 o'clock. I'm just here thinking on my bed. I look over into her direction and smile.
"What have you been doing?" I asked her.
She shakes off her snow capped hood and places her weaponry down onto the table.
"Oh! I was actually on watch from supper till now, many yetis have been spotted near the border mountains, it's a little out of place." She sits down over to her bed and pulls out a soft yawn, fatigue sweeping over her features.
"We're having a bonfire tomorrow and them things will he in order, we'll be teaching you how to harness you powers. Oh and mustn't I say, I'm in love with your dress. At first it was a little weird that a girl would walk in here with unheard powers so strong it had blown over a venti with a simple swift blow and she walks into the Center Band in a beautiful gown that gleams of crystal and ice."

I laugh softly then my voice falters when I look down, fabricated clothes are non existence but there lays crystalline ice. This element is so unstable, engulfing these once existent clothes with its cold frigid frost. How am I going to control this before I hurt someone? A slow feeling of guilt and anxiety rakes through my viens. I'm so confused and lost. What am I to do?

I bite my lip and smile weakly, "Oh, thanks."
I glance at the clock, 9:15 pm.
She lays down softly onto the mattress and drawls out a stifled yawn, "I'm off to bed now. You should join me and a few friends to practice sometime. It must be boring in this cabin doing nothing I mean you could always practice, I heard your little frost is a but out of control; reckless really." I could almost feel her soft delicate laugh sweep through the confined walls of this dark cabin. I smile off into the distance.
"Yeah, that'd be good," I murmur softly.

I feel a strip of sleep slip into my senses. I lay down into my bed and curl up into the cold sheets.

After what seems like eternity, I'm lulled out of my sleep.

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