Chapter 6: Chilly Smiles

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.:Chapter 6: Chilly Smiles:.


I peer at the boy, he's weird and very young. I gulp what should I do? Help him? Ah gosh. I should. No. No. He may kill me. I watch for a while, he suddenly stirs. I jump back and dash through the forest. The cold wind brushes my face and my hair bounces up and down. My cape flutters behind me. The snow sinks underneath my feet annoyingly, arghhhh. I throw my hands at the ground and the snow clears up in a clean path, not knowing if it'll give away my presence I keep running. My heart thumps, my breath heaves in my chest and my feet ache from this running. I shriek as I'm suddenly stopped abruptly. The boy stands in my path, his eyes angry and his clothes tattered.

I gulp, "What do you want?" I asked cautiously, prepared for another attack.

"Stop!" he demanded taking a step backwards. I notice the staff and the way the cold spun his way, those forces conflicted with my own drawing. The snow blew around us, unsure of who to bend to, our aura of power silently pulled the forces our ways wishing to harmonize.

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This girl is different, I can feel the danger in the air. I must get moving for the thing that attacked me might have more minions to fallow after. She glared at me and backed away into the forest depths. "I do no harm, please," I reassured. Her eyes narrow at me suspiciously.
"What do you want?!" She hisses through her teeth. The snow spins around her violently like a storm on the brink of its unleash.
I gulp. "You're just like me, trust me, I don't want to harm you," I answered. "We must get going, the thing I just fought was a monster from the same place pitch was from," I said hurriedly.
She backs away, steps quick and hurried.
"Stay away, I don't know who this pitch is but I don't care." She turns around suddenly. I see the wariness in her eyes and the exhaustion in her face. Maybe I should leave her, I can't leave her here to die.


Hope u like it!

Extremely short but I've been so busy with school! Tests, projects and much more!

Wow. So short.
<3 GalaxyCookies

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