Chapter 9: A Welcoming Cavern

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.:Chapter 8: A Welcoming Cavern:.


OH my dear lord...that thing behind me. Fear strikes through me, at least I have Jack with me.

I lift my arms up to summon snow creatures, large snow golems rise from the ground at my will. I twirl my fingers to create snow men armed with ice swords. They charge at the "thing" and swing their swords. I blast beams of ice at the thing but all fails, I know I made progress but it just isn't good enough.

I glance at Jack, he's trying. I feel the energy seeping from me. A shadow ball hits me in the chest and sends me flying down to the ground. I gasp and lay on the cold snow. I struggle up, jacks fighting well. The movement of his staff is mesmerizing, he's been in battle before.

As we are near our defeat bright balls of orange, green and purple come flying at the thing blasting it off its feet. I shield my face as I hear a deafening boom is heard. Black wisps of arm are thinning out and fly everywhere. My breath hitches in amazement as the black dark creature disintegrates in charcoal black dust.
I kneel on my knees shocked. "Are you two ok? It's not safe to be traveling alone," a warm brisk voice rings out in the clearing of dust. I look up, a women with flaming hair is standing 10 feet from me above on a rock. 2 people remain behind her armed with weapons and each a cape with symbols of 5 elements, earth, water, fire, air and dark black smog which I assume is the dark matter.

"Who are you?" Jack asks as he helps me stand up.

"I should be asking that, so, who are you?" The lady counters.

Me and Jack exchange uneasy looks.

I step forward. "Elsa, Queen of Arendale. I control of the powers of winters," I inform more confidently than I had actual felt. I'm squirming inside, waiting for a chance to run but her eyes we locked with mines, paralyzingly my entire body.

Jack steps up beside me with confidence and power.
  "Jack Frost. A guardian of the North Pole, now you?" His icy blue eyes pierce into their form. A wave of admiration hits me as I watch his calculating gaze. I knew I was strong but the unfamiliarity of this situation hits me roughly.

The lady grins, the smile stretching far across her face.
"The ice queen who froze her own kingdom and Jack Frost the fairy tale boy! Wonderful, we were waiting for you all along!" A small laugh filled the air, one that shone no warmth.

"I am Amber, rank 3 elementalist of the Fire Tribe. Malinda of the Water tribe," she added, then she gestures to a small beautiful girl with dark hazel hair. "And Willow of the Forester tribe." She nods to a blonde haired women with dark emerald eyes.
"From the centre band?" I ask. The luck we have.
"Of course! Now come with us, we need to get you to Elden." She smiles and starts to walk off into a cave. I glance at Jack and he nods, tiredness oppresses his face. I slunk in behind her. As I enter the hidden cave warmness welcomes my body. The cave radiated warmth, the walls expanded into a huge ice crystal cavern.
"This cavern was made for the patrol crew. The centre band is over the mountains." She plops down onto a flat fur covered rock. A fire crackled in front of 8 stone seats.

She gestures for me and Jack to sit. I cautiously sit down, it's nice to rest. The fur was gray so nice and soft. I feel like sleeping, the warmth greets me. The soft howling of the winds outside echo through the cave, a few people are seated eating bread.

I smile, it feels like home...

SAY: "SNOWY CHEESE" IF YOU READ THIS FAR! It'll tell me weather to go on or stop writing.

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1.) Is this a good book?

2.) Do you think a little romance will be happen and would you like it to?

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4.)Do you like cheese?


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