Chapter 5: Cold Greetings

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.:Chapter 5: Cold Greetings:.


I lay down, my body aches everywhere, emptiness and weakness absorbs me. The ice casing has melted around me and my energy has returned.
I must get up, I am not weak, I must not die in the hands of this person. I struggle upwards, the wind is strong up here, it whistles in my ear and whips my hair around. The trees seem to slowly grow larger as the horizon sinks. I frowned, what....? I realize my mountain is falling down, melting must I say.

I stand up shakily but the movement wobbles me underneath my feet. I gulp a breath and my heart leaps as it suddenly fell quickly. I bend on my knees and watch below. Think fast Elsa! I stumble and fall but I create a rising platform in the shape similar to the structure of a mushroom. I lay for a while, "Please! Stop!" A voice calls from below ragged and out of breath.

"Leave me alone!" I cry out and weep silently. "Come down, please!" He yells. My breath hitches as the platform falls, the world spins beneath me, the wind whirls arounds me. A loud yell is heard from every direction as I am lost and the time seems to slow down at every thought. Black veils in every direction coating my vision. "What is this!" I scream as I land softly on a large mound of snow. "I don't-argh!" The boy screams and a loud blast is heard. I hesitate wondering if I should flee, should I?

I stand frozen in place. Another deafening boom is heard, shards of ice rains down and snow is flown everywhere. Someone is fighting the boy, maybe that someone is helping me?

I decide to take shelter among the big trees to see what unfolds. The branches provides a heavy lifting shelter and the undergrowth is killed by the frigid cold that bites the plants to their ever so dead roots.

Maybe I should run, I've been doing that my whole life right? I withdraw a heavy breath, maybe I should have stayed in Arendale...poor Anna. Snow is blown everywhere glittering the air with sparkling little dots. Hunger aches at my stomach, argh.

I need some food.

Why am I think about food?


I may be going insane.

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Snow man attack. wonderful.....I hit the ground with my staff, snow crawls up the sides of the beast and encases the thing. I create a snowball within my hands and thrust it at the snow man. Shatters of snow are throw within the 10 yard radius, I'm blown back. Weary of fighting I say on the snow for what seems like and hour. I hear a light crunch of a footstep. I pretend dead but I keep a close eye on my surroundings.



Enjoy :)

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