Chapter 3: Traveling Through the Warmth

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.:Chapter 3: Traveling Through The Warmth:.


        IT'S now morning, day 2. I made it to Yulebell city, it's busy and buzzing with people. The roads are made of typical cobblestone and there are people on horses, carts carrying hay through the streets. Ladies threw buckets of slush and cooking oils from the windows, people stared at me, my clothes felt melted (Omfg, she's not naked. Silly me >.<) and not so warm. I feel cold, not in a bad way, it doesn't bother me at all, I'd like to feel warm-normal that is.

               I drop by a little clothing store, the woman smiles. "Hello, how may I help you?" She ask and smiles very kindly.

        "I would like new clothes please, blue silk preferably," I reply.
There are dresses, shirts and beautiful skirts. I feel so free, I'm not harming anyone and I can control the curse with love, love of dear and wonderful Anna. I see shoes, heels, boots and flats. I walk over to them and pick up a lovely pair of boots. I would need this for days of traveling.

        I smile. "I would like these," I tell the lady. She grins as she holds a frosty pale blue dress identical to mines but bigger, warmer and not made and/or the essence of snow. I'm surprised my dress has not melted. The dress is lined in fluffy wool and a cape trails from behind.

        It's warmer here, different from Oaklander. Snow has settled on the roof of the houses and frost travels up the windows. I pick the dress up and smile, I hand the lady 50 silver coins.
She smiles. "Well, good day to you my darling!" She hurries back to her back to her desk.

        I walk around the streets looking for an Inn, then possibly a food market. People push past me and mutter very rude words under their breath. I grumble and keep walking on, letting nothing stop me. I've never felt such a surge of confidence, it was strange because the unfamiliar feel of the place had not bothered me at all.

        It's night fall and I'm signing into a little Inn with the name of Feble Inn. I walk up the oak set of stairs, they creek under my weight.
Walking to my room, I swing the door open, it's paneled in wood and a little bed lay in the corner. A dresser and table lay on the side. I sigh, oh well, this will do. My tummy growls and hunger bites at my stomach. I must find food in the morning, I'm not sure how I can sustain like this, I came so unprepared.
The weight of the situation crashes down on me as I fall onto the bed.
Maybe this was a huge mistake.

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        I'm currently in Yulebelle city, the night has fallen and in on the roof tips of a house enjoying the view snacking on some sweet candied orange peels. It's cold and very nice, snow has settled on my hair making me look creepy. The town is beautiful, so quiet and lonely in the night. The mountains to The Center Band is right on the outskirts of the town, soon the moment of truth will come.


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        Anna runs to me, tall ice spikes surround us like a prison. I watch as Anna runs screaming towards me, I scream stop. My voice rung through the ice prison, Anna stops as frost slowly travels up her body, freezing her every movement. I gasp in terror, I did this. The frost freezes her and then she tips over and shatters, shards of small crystalline ice fragments fly through the air. I watched in horror, the last glimpse of her was the horrible look of fear in her eyes. I'm a monster. I killed her.
I scream waking up with a jolt. My body is covered in sweat, my hairs plastered on my face and tears are streaming down my cheeks. They are warm and salty as they slip into my mouth as it sits, gaped open with panting breaths.

        I walk out the Inn and wrap my arms around my chest, the thoughts of freezing Anna still nags at me and paralyze me in fear. The moon pulls a shadow over my ghastly pale face, my cape sweeping behind me. The snow is attracted to me, they bend towards me and soon flakes of white and crystalline snow is shifting its fall around me. The snow collects in my hair chilling my scalp but of course, it doesn't bother me, it never has. I'm at the ring of the forest, small shrubs sweep into the forest, ferns sprout at the bottom of the trees as I look onwards at the dark and looming forests.

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        I see a girl in the moon light, her hair white blond and her skin as white as snow. I feel my powers pull towards her, the snow bends at her directions while a second ago, they were with me.
She's powerful and something like me.
I notkce her headed towards the forest leading to the mountains. What is she doing? Is she a part oft he center band? Is she one of them? Is she like me? Is she going there? Or is she just a...ghost? I shake my head, bewildered at my pathetic thoughts, I mean, a ghost?!

        No, she's not a ghost, she's a human girl. I jump down from the roof and follow her into the forest; careful not to make a sound. I see snow flakes bend to her will, magnetic at her aura. As she comes to a little river, she throws her hands out and freezes the stream into a straight path of ice. Beautiful.

        She's just like me.


AN: Please rate and comment. If there are any spelling mistakes please inform me.
(Edited but there may be mistakes :c)

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