Chapter 4: Frosty Bites

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.:Chapter 4: Frosty Bites:.


I hold my arm, the cold makes my fill empty, my heart. Maybe the people called elementals will help me get rid of these powers, or at least let me live normally and control them. Questions flood through my head like a stream of endless lies. What will I do once I go to this place? What will they do to me? Does this place even exist? Am I following a hopeless dream? What am I doing?
I sigh and keep walking, I stop as I feel a disturbance against the under growth, a light shift in the wind, the snow seems to shift position, abandoning me. Twisting around, I consume the snow into a ball of blue buzzing frost. The snow violently whips around me, I eye the surroundings. A shadow slips into the trees, my target, this shadow is a figure of a human. I feel an air of stable energy, unlike mines, I feel like a mess of uncontrollable magic.
The energy slowly builds...
"Who are you!" I demand through the trees, my voice unsure, wavering like the gathering flakes of snow around me.

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Damn, she has caught me. I stay still, slumped against the trees. I feel the heavy snow in the air, this girl is dangerous...

I cough; bad idea.

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I thrust the ball of snow at a tree where I heard some noise. The tree is demolished leaving chips flying through the air. I shield my face with my hand, I'm blown back my a wave of energy. I shriek as I'm being sent flying into a clearing of snow. I thrust my hand behind me praying for a soft bed of snow to be created. I land with a soft thud.
The air suspends around me, I hear the croak of a boy, "Stop."
I slowly get up finding a tall boy in a blue sweatshirt and with bright white/blue hair, standing across the river right where the blown tree use to be standing.
As I try to stand up, I end up stumbling back to the ground with a painful groan. The force of my uncontrollable powers had knocked me back and now, I'm rendered useless.
'I must not be weak,' I told myself. I use the last of my energy and stand up, knees wobbling. My legs threatens to collapse beneath me.
"Stay away," I hiss.
He inches forward, 10ft away from me now. He approaches in small cautious steps.
Panic settles in, this person is dangerous.
"I said, stay away!" I yell and send large ice spikes shooting up from the ground, to fly at him.
He jumps back and slams a weird wooden hook staff to the ground, the thing sends a wave of energy to my spikes, shattering them on impact.
With the displacement of air, I step back and collapse to the ground, the boy runs forward. With my last remaining bits of energy (None), I build a platform around me and, it start to rise in the air like a growing mountain. I'm up many feets off the ground onto of a large icy mountain. The ice grows around me, in casing me in a cocoon of snow and ice.
The world starts to dim around me as exhaustion takes over.
"Anna..." I mutter as my mind wanders to her. Poor Anna, poor girl, what is Arandelle like?
It's nice and comfy here, maybe I should spend my life in here in an internal slumber.
That boy though.....he's like me.
To escape this fate, I'd do anything.


Haha minor cliff hanger. So what should happen next??? Plz decide!

Please give me some constructive feedback, if there is any mistakes, please comment and inform

<3 Much love from the one and only GALAXYCOOKIE :)

AN: Please rate and comment. If there are any spelling mistakes please inform me.
(Edit: Major editing.)

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