Chapter 10: Yeti of the East

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.:Chapter 9: Yeti of the East:.


I yawn and find myself in the cave. I'm laying on a soft fur mat, sunlight seeps through the entrance of the cave. I smile, its so nice, I can hear the soft winds howling outside, the storm had died down. I stand up, a good nights sleep was I all I need to keep these powers down. I look around, most people are awake and sharpening weapons or practicing their powers. They can control it better than I can. I watch as the women Amber starts to form little balls of glowing red fire, the flames jump up and lick her fingers.

I watch in awe as she hurtles then at a large metal plate hung up in the wall. The plate rattles as the fire ball bursts right into it. I walk over to her, she glances at me and flashes a smile.

I glance at Jack, what a sleeping beauty. I snort and throw a snow ball at him, it hits him squarely on the face. I what as he stirs and jumps back confused. I smirk and crawl out the cave. I see Malinda outside sitting by the ledge of the mountain side. I cautiously approach her, she seems to be gazing over the snowy peaks of the Moutain.
"Hello Elsa," she greets, without turning around.
I blink, was I that loud? She laughs as she turns around to see by confusion.
"The snow bends around you, I can feel the snow grow thicker and the frozen waters. Water girl right here." She grins.
I crack a soft smile, instantly warming up to her. She stands up and yawns.
"So what brings you out here so early in the morning?" She asks and stands up.
I shrug. "I don't know, I just felt a little uncomfortable. I guess," I mumble and walk over to her.
She nods, taking in my response. "Our patrols are almost finished, we'll be making the last round up the rocky summits, which leads us to the north entrance of the band." She smiles softly with her mention of the Center Band, her bright sea blue eyes sparkles.
I nod in response to the information and respond, "Alright then, I guess we'll just be waiting for a bit,
Malinda turns to me and casts me an interesting look, "Yes, only for at the most, half an hour. Anyways, it's getting cold, let's go inside!"

I frown. "It's pretty warm, actually..." I start to trail off, a funny little feeling squirms within me.
Realization dawns her as she giggles. "Oh my gosh, you're the ice girl, silly me. You don't feel these frosty bites of winter, do you not?"
I smile bemused. "No, no."
I hear the crunch of a foot step, the wind shifts pattern as if two forces are pulling it my way and another way. Jack, of course. I turn around to him, snow dusts his hair, he looks exhausted. Maybe I shouldn't have woken him up...nah it was worth it. He narrows his eyes at me, dull tiredness veil his eyes.
"You should've gotten more sleep, we're only leaving in half an hour," Malinda states, noticing the exhausted look in Jacks eyes.

Jack glares at me and cast Malinda a weary looks. "Well, I would of been asleep but little miss ice queen here decided to wake me up from my slumber," he grumbles and shoves a hand through his hair is frustration.
My cheeks flush red. "Whoops."
Remember this isn't Anna so he won't take any jokes as lightly, maybe not like her at least.

He walks past us and sits on a rock near a little stream.
I turn away smirking. Malinda look between us in amusement.
"So...this cave is extremely big," I comment nudging my hand towards the small exterior of the cave that barely rises from the ground, deciding to change the subject.
The caves inside sinks deep deep into the ground, I don't even know how many levels to this place it has, amazing is all I can say.
She nods. "It was built thousand of years ago for the weekly patrol team. It was small at first but was expanded down a few levels since the patrol groups were increasing in numbers."

I glanced at the cave, at first sight you would think it's some low roofed cave but it is humongous.
"What was the patrols for?" I ask suddenly curious. What could there be to look out for, other than those shadow demons but those have seemed to be resting far down in the forest below.

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