Chapter 12: The Centre Band [Part 2]

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.:Chapter 12: The Centre Band [Part 2]:.


WE'VE been walking for what seems hours, Amber had told me that this was the last journey to rhe Centre Band. Nervousness over comes me. The last adventure.

I feel the jingles in my stomache, finally I can be free. Anna...

The large looming mountains slowly fall back and reveals a large green valley. It's vast every rolling hills and endless rivers that snake up towards the horizon.

I gasp in awe and slink back to Jack, he stares in utter shock. There are many circles of houses, each are in different groups. Blue houses outline a blue stained circle, I think it's the ice clan...

Many houses form in circles. Among the houses stands a lone white marble one, Amber has told me about it. The wizards home, Eldens home. "Elsa...that's out new home," says Jack.
I smile softly. "My anncestors..." I murmur barely audibly.

I see small little figures walking around, small white clouds roll around the surrounding mountains.
"Come on!" chirps Willow as she grabs my hand and drags me towards a stone staircase that leads down towards. I walk down the worm down scraggly stairs, their faces are carved deep in and pictured sprout out from every corner. A chest bumps into me, I fall back as I lose my footing on the stairs but the person behind me catches my fall.
I blink and look up, Jack stands over me, smiling reassuring me. My cheeks grown warm and I compose my posture. "Sorry..." I mumble and scramble down behind Willow. I hear the soft chuckle of Jack from behind me, it sends chills down my back. I shudder lightly as the valley opens up.

I step onto the unfamiliar soft grass. A few people glance over at me and Jack with curiosity.

"Welcome to The Centre Band," Meredith greets with a grand smile. "Let's go to the Dome." She points at the marble building that does not resemble a dome what so ever.

I notice the surrounding buildings, they gave off a white aura of power.
I felt the coldness as we passed the ice house and the heat as we passed the fire house.

Grass grew on the the tops of what I guessed was the house for Earth or plant clan.

I saw a familiar man appear from the large white house, Elden. I last saw him in Arandelle, after I took off.

He smiled as his eyes wandered to me, an aura of power gave off from him...what on earth.

My eyes widened lightly, he looks different, not the old weak librarian but a strong wizard...or sorcerer, which ever he is.
Surprise sends shocks through my veins, what?

This was a short chapter but oh well, I'll upload the next 2 ones I wrote later.

Sorry for the delay!!!

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