Chapter Two: Whats this feeling?

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Elsa POV

"Ummmm I bet you must be starving" I Said looking down at the floor "actually I am, which is weird I hardly every get hungry" as Jack rubbed the back of his head looking down at the floor . Their was a awkward silence in the room till we both heard a knock on the door. "Elsa its time to eat breakfast" it was Anna she was more joyful than ever but then I had remember Kristoff barely came home from his job. "Okay Anna". when I turned around I saw Jack sitting on my bed looking at the floor "jack? are you okay". He looked up at me then he smiled "Yeah I"m fine just thinking about something" he got up very slowly he was still weak. I grabbed his hand and helped him down the stairs to the dinning room, everyone was already there we both enter and everyone looked at us and their was a awkward pause. Anna looked confused "Umm Elsa who's your friend" I looked at Jack and then back at Anna "His name is Jack and I found him in the woods in the morning so he's going to be staying with us for a while."

Anna looked at Jack and he waved "hi" Olaf got off his chair "well then jack my name is Olaf and I like warms hugs" Jack giggled "Hey their buddy I think you and me are going to be great friends" Olaf had a big smile and looked at me jumping with joy "Elsa did you hear were going to be friends". I laughed " so I hear" I helped Jack to his chair we sat at the end to the table talking about everything our likes and dislikes. We had French toast and hot chocolate but jack kept freezing the cup every time to drink his hot chocolate. I gave him one of my gloves so Anna could stop looking at him like a freak, During the whole breakfast I felt like the hole in my heart was gone it was weird.

I had put my hand on the table to get up and then Jack grabbed my hand and gave me that smile and our eyes met. " umm I'm going to do some paperwork" he was still holding my hand and honesty I didn't want him to let go. He got up and let go of my hand "well is it okay if I can sleep in your room" he looked at me "I don't want to be alone". I looked at him I nodded a yes I had my hand out to help him up every time I touch him I always got a warm feeling. When we got up to my room and I had laid him down on my bed but he kinda of froze our hands together and I went down with him. I was on top of him our lips were so close to touching he was moving forward to my lips but I unfroze our hands and got up quickly as I could. "well get some sleep and I will get to my duties" he looked at me with his blue eyes and nodded and fell to sleep.

An hour had pasted and I was done with everything I was tried Jack was still sleeping I knew he wouldn't mine either way it was my bed. I got under the cover and I had fell asleep. Once I had woke up I was hugging Jack my head was resting on his cheat. He was awake he was playing with my bangs "well look who's up" I felt my cheeks doing something werid I never had that feeling before. I giggled and it was night time "the moon looks beautiful doesn't it jack" "it sure does" but when I turned he wasn't looking at the moon he was looking at me. His blue eyes were beautiful we were looking at eachother for the longs time and he poked my nose. I giggled I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom and took a bath. Once I got out of the bathroom jack wasn't wearing his hoodie. He was facing the door fixing his hoodie. Then I saw a Scar on his back I silently walk up behind him and touch the black Scar. He jumped just a little "Jack how did you get this? it looks bad" he turned around and tried to lie to me "I got hit with a stick" I gave him a face and then he sat down. "I was attack by a man name Pitch he cut me and put some of his black nightmare sand in me". He looked down at the floor "Elsa .... once my scar turns black I become evil". I let go of his hand and covered my mouth. "What!?! " He got up and explained it to me that he was a gaurdian, and that he didn't know how to stop it and that he only had 5 weeks. I started to cry he grab my face and wiped my tears with his hoodie "Jack I'm going to find a way to save you". I never liked anyone like this in my life it felt weird. But I didn't want this feeling to stop. Even if had just meet him I feel this connection.

I knew that I didn't want to lose him I was still crying and then he.

hoped you liked it :))) next chapter should come out tomorrow *-*

*Fully edited, I hope there is not spelling or errors in this chapter no more. If there is tell me and I will fix it, Love you guys* 

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