Chapter Eighteen

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     "Oh. Okay. G- good for you guys." I said awkwardly. What was she playing at? What was she trying to do? She was trying to tear apart me and the guy's friendships. That's what she was doing. I actually liked him. I really trusted him. Fuck, I'm so stupid.

"Anyways, I just wanted to make sure there are no hard feelings." She said with a smile. I nodded.

"Y- yeah. No hard feelings. Totally. I'm going to go hang out with Rose." I told them.

"Later." Joji said casually. I nodded.

"Bye." I said. I quickly stepped out of the apartment and walked to the entrance. I checked the time on my phone. Five forty. I decided to call Rose.

"Yeah?" She answered after the second ring. I suddenly began to sob. "Percy, what's wrong?"

"C- can you meet me at the uh, at Toby's?" I asked her. Toby's was this café. It was cute.

"Sure. Sure, yeah. I have good news though. I didn't want to tell you at work. We can talk about your shit first. I'll see you then. Hang in there Perc." She said. I nodded and hung up.

Suddenly, the weather seemed to match my mood. My thoughts like the sun, clouded by misery. The soft rains, my tears. I couldn't help it. The pain I felt. I thought I meant something to Joji. Even if we weren't officially together, I thought I meant more than that. After all of our talking, after him kissing me, he does this. What is wrong with me? What did I do, George Miller? I know. I just wasn't enough. I'm still not enough. I'll never be enough.

I stepped into the car and drove down the busy streets. I envied the stars that glimmered and gleamed in the sky. Their blissful ignorance.

When I got to the café, Rosa was sitting at a booth by the window. I ran in and sat on the opposite side.

"Percy, honey. Are you okay?" She asked, grasping my hands from across the table.

"Not really. I want to hear your news first though." I told her with a sad smile. She nodded and moved her eyes down to her hand. I noticed something I hadn't before. A diamond ring. A gorgeous one, at that.

"Rose, that's so great!" I cheered, hugging her across the table. She smiled quickly before replacing it with a frown.

"Thank you, but what's wrong?" She asked me. I shuddered and felt tears sting my eyes.

That boy, the one I told you about earlier, he wasn't looking to get serious. Not with me. He's dating Mara now. After saying I was special and all this other bullshit. He was just trying to sleep with me." I complained. She looked at me, sadness in her eyes.

"Honey! What a dick! How could he do that?" She exclaimed in a hushed tone, squeezing my hands. I shook my head.

"I thought he really cared about me." I said. She looked at me with sympathy.

"Who needs a man?" She asked. I scoffed. Really?

"You're engaged. I don't need a man, Rose. I want a Joji. I really liked him. A lot. And he made me think I was special. I'm such an idiot." I muttered, putting my head in my hands.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Percy. You're perfect. He's a complete asshole." She assured me. I nodded.

"But... what if I was more like Mara? I mean, she's exciting. She's sexy, right? She's like, edgy. What if I was more like her? Maybe he would want me then."

"Persephone Wilson, you will listen to me right fucking now! Don't change yourself for some guy! You're great. You're awesome. He'd be lucky to have a girl like you. Mara's a whore. Yeah, she has that sex appeal, but she's a whore. No guy in his right mind would want a skank like that!" She encouraged me. I nodded and smiled at her.

"Ladies, either order something or leave." A young lady said to us. I nodded.

"Let's go for a walk." Rose said. I looked outside and then back to her.

"Rose, it's raining." I told her, pointing to the window.

"I know. You love the rain. Let's go girl." She said, pulling on her coat. I nodded and stood up. We left the café with our arms interlocked. We looked like Dorothy and a blue haired Scarecrow. I smiled. Maybe Casey was right. Maybe I had the wrong best friend. Then my mind went back to Joji and my smile faltered.

"So, Adam. How'd he propose to you?" I asked.

"He dropped the ring like the goofball he is. We went under at the same time and butted heads. He did it right there. The whole restaurant cheered when I said yes. It was honestly something out of a Sandra Bullock film." She said dreamily. I smiled at her.

"I'm so happy for you." I said before my phone dinged. Rose looked over my shoulder as I checked the message. It was Mara.

"Hey babe. Beach tomorrow with me and the guys." She read aloud. "Fucking slag."

"I'm totally not going." I said. Then she stopped abruptly, causing me to stop with her.

"Wait! I'll go with you. We can make you look hot. I'll pick out your outfit and you'll slay and it will be great!" She cheered. I decided to ask Mara if Rose could come.

"She said 'totally. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine.'" I told her. She smiled deviously.

"Fuck yeah." She cheered.

"Wait, but work." I told her. She shrugged.

"Who gives a shit? Ever heard of sick days?" She mocked.

"I already did that yesterday." I told her.

"Tell Casey what's going on." She said with a shrug. I nodded and called Casey.

"What's good girl?" He asked.

"Case, I need a huge favor. Me and Rose can't go to work tomorrow." I told him.

"Um, why?" He asked.

"There's this guy and Mara-"

"Take the day. That bitch needs to be put in her place." He said. I smiled.

"I actually love you Casey." I said.

"Love you too girl. Byeeeeeeee." He said. I hung up and we continued walking.

"Okay girl, see you tomorrow." She said. I smiled and nodded as we got to my car. I drove home in silence.

I walked through the front door to our apartment quietly and made my way to my room unnoticed.

"Fuck yeah Joji!" Mara moaned from her room. I felt tears threaten to spill.

"No, Percy. You are stronger than this. You're better. Who needs some stupid guy?" I whispered to myself, closing and locking my door behind me. I stripped to my bra and underwear and just decided to sleep like that. No one would see me.

"Holy shit Mar!" I heard Joji's raspy voice ring out. Okay, too late. I was crying now. I decided to post a picture on twitter. After that, I just went to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.


Ayyyy boys and girls. Keem here. Not really. I'm not actually Keemstar. (as far as you know). Anywho, just in case anyone is wondering, the romance and steam will actually happen soon. Don't worry you're pubescent little heads. I'm really surprised at how well this is going, not going to lie. Thanks to every single person reading this right now. Later you guys *.*


Every random J in the texting is a smiley face. For some reason when I transfer the writing from Word to Wattpad it turns into a J. It's very weird.

Pretty Damn Filthy (George 'Joji' Miller AKA Filthy Frank)Where stories live. Discover now