Chapter 37

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Three o'clock comes much too quickly for my liking. We stay in our house which has the fidelous charm put on it, but the Weasley's stay in the Order of the Phoenix headquarters.
We floo to the headquarters, and I smell the food that is being cooked. "Hello!" Molly happily says, hugging me tightly. "Hi." I reply. Dinner will be served at four, so I head upstairs. Ginny is in the hallway. "Hey Bella." She says. "Hey Ginny." I reply, nervous about seeing George. "Come into my room for a minute. We need to talk." She says.
I follow her into her room and take a seat on her magenta comforter. It's better than when she had bright pink. "Fred is not George." She says. "I'm well aware which is which." I tell her. "That's not what I meant. You'll tear them apart Bella. You can't replace George with Fred." Tears spring to my eyes. "I didn't even realize..." I say. Ginny sighs. "You're not doing anyone good." She says.
Fred passes by Ginny's room and sees me. "Hey Bells!" He exclaims. "Hey Fred." I reply. "Fred, listen." Ginny begins. "Bella isn't ready for a relationship." Fred looks at me. "You aren't?" I nod my head. To my surprise, Fred smiles. "Well we're still best friends." Fred says. "Of course we are!" I reply. "Want to see our latest plan?" Fred asks. I nod. "Sure."
I follow Fred to his room. "Wait here." He said before going in. I assume he's going to tell George we aren't dating anymore. When I go in however, I see George laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. Fred is hitting him with a pillow. "Come on George! Get ready for dinner! Bells is here and we aren't even dating anymore!"
George sits up and pulls on a shirt. "Okay." He says quietly. Fred comes over to me and pulls me over to their desk, which has a lot of papers on it. "We're leaving Hogwarts." He says. "What?" I reply. "We're leaving Hogwarts early. We're literally going out with a bang." He explains, showing me diagrams and fireworks they made.
"You're leaving me?" I ask quietly. Both boys look over at me. "Of course not Bells. We're still going to be best friends. If we have to leave anyway, we might as well make it enjoyable." I nod my head. "Can I help?"
It's the first time I've heard George speak since he dumped me. I glare at him for a moment. "Can I help?" I ask again. "I don't see why not." Fred replies. "Because she'll get detention for the rest of the year. Is this not a good enough reason?" George asks, grabbing my hand and showing Fred where the scar still remains from when we got detention at the beginning of the year. I tense up when he touches me.
"I can make my own decisions, thank you." I say. George drops my arm and moves away like a kicked puppy. "Of course you can." He replies.
The next forty-five minutes before dinner are spent helping make plans with Fred. George doesn't contribute much. Molly calls us down for dinner. Fred goes ahead, but George pulls me back. "This is yours." He says, slipping a very familiar ring onto my finger. "My promises still apply." He whispers, and lets go.
Dinner is turkey, potatoes, vegetables, and so many side dishes and deserts I couldn't hope to count them all. "This is amazing." I say. Arthur, who is in a wheelchair because he was attacked by Voldemort's snake, agrees.
Remus comes up behind me. "Merry Christmas." He replies, handing me a wrapped gift. I tear the paper off and my lip trembles. Remus has given me a sterling silver necklace with a wolf on it. Engraved onto the wolfs side is "To my god-daughter, who has saved me in many more ways than one." I throw my arms around his neck. "Thanks Rem." I reply.
    Fred gives me my next gift. It's a photo album. "I've been collecting these pictures for four years now." He says. Inside is a ton of pictures. I stop on the page where the pictures of George and I kissing is. "I can take it out if you don't want it." Fred says quietly. "This is a great gift Fred." I say, closing the book.
It's been 7 months and words can not express how sorry I am. Thank you all for sticking with me for so long. I love you all.

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