Chapter 57

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I hate to say it guys but this is probably going to be one of the last few chapters. Never fear though, there will be one final book! Annabella's story does not stop here!
    By the time we go back to school everything is different. I'm engaged to be married and nobody knows. Not even Fred. We've decided to wait until after the war to announce it. I'll most likely be of age then so our families will accept it then.
    The train ride back to school is filled with dread. Ginny and I change into our robes and sit in silence. What is there to say? We're going back to the school where the Carrows will be. It's torture.
Everything is going wrong. The Carrows keep giving Ginny and I detentions along with Neville. Luna never came back after Christmas. We keep getting tortured over and over. Crucio, cutting us open, and messing with my scars.
One day after taking a shower I come back into my dorm where Ginny is hanging out. She's holding something in her hands. She hears me coming and turns to face me. "Did my brother give this to you?" She asks me quietly. I nod.
Ginny's mouth drops open and she hugs me tightly. She begins to grin and dance around the room. It's been so long since she's acted like this that I forgot how funny it is. "We're going to be sisters!" Ginny yells. That makes me smile too. Sisters.
Ginny suddenly turns serious. She turns towards me and grabs my arms. "We're running away," she tells me. I'm surprised and I just look at her. Ginny shakes her head and explain.
"I've been thinking about it. Let's take some kids and run away to the Room of Requirement. We can teach them defensive spells. Maybe we can get the room to protect us from the Carrows. You're engaged. We have to be safe and keep the other kids that way." I sigh and nod. "Let's talk to Neville."
By that weekend we've rounded up enough kids to move into the ROR. We've taken some kids from all years and as Ginny paces in front of the wall, I can't help but hope she's thinking for something absolutely ginormous.
I was not disappointed. Hammocks hang from everywhere and there's places to put our things. It's a bit dreary but we're looking for protection, not comfort.
We're still going to classes and things but when we're all in here we know the children are safe. Sometimes I'll go to Aberforth Dumbledore's with Neville or Ginny for supplies. He's been more than happy to help.
One night in May Neville goes to get supplies. He doesn't come back for awhile. We're all lounging around not doing much of anything. We're all hungry. The food at Hogwarts is no good anymore. We're all just waiting for the year to end. Then I can go home.
Neville comes back through with a grin on his face. He says he's brought us something special. I don't believe him. Aberforth doesn't have much. He wouldn't be able to send us anything amazing. Then Harry James Potter steps through.
Ginny and I exchange a look before running towards him and tackling him in a hug. Ron says something but I don't hear him. Harry is grinning as he hugs us back. I feel happier than I have in months.
Harry tells us that he's looking for something related to Ravenclaw. Luna, who came back not long ago, says it like its obvious. "Ravenclaw's diadem."
It doesn't take very long for everything to go to hell in a hand basket. Snape calls us down to the Great Hall. Someone has given Harry school robes. I line up with Slytherin, waiting.
Snape knows Harry is here. He's threatening us. He's telling us we'll be treated as guilty as Harry if we're helping him. After a moment Harry steps out himself. "It seems you have a bit of a security problem Headmaster," he says. Then the other busts through the door.
Snape draws his wand but McGonagall steps in front of Harry. It doesn't take long until he's gone. The lights in the hall are lit and everything seems warmer. That is until McGonagall gives an order. "Slytherins to the dungeons."
What do I do? My house hates me and everyone is so obsessed with their reunion that nobody notices me. I try to step out of line but Filch shoves me back in. I begin to panic as we get closer to the door. I do the only thing I can think of. I scream.
Heads whip towards me and then I'm in someone's arms. Remus. "Bella I'm so sorry. I thought you'd come over to us. I didn't think Mr. Filch would keep you with the others."
I throw my arms around my godfather, happy to see him. Voldemort is coming at midnight. Who knows how long I have left? We walk back to the others and I'm engulfed in a hug by my father. He smells familiar and safe.
The twins hug me at the same time and I know what everyone is saying with these hugs. This is in case we die. This is in case we never see each other again.
I'm sent off with the twins. We stand watching the death eaters try to break the protection spells. It's cracking. It won't be long now. I'm holding hands with both of the twins. We used to do this all the time. When we were nervous or upset this calmed us. We're all nervous now.
When the protection breaks, George bends down and kisses me deeply. I twist the ring I put on earlier tonight. The ring he gave me. My engagement ring. This could be the last kiss we have together. When we pull away I kiss Freddie on the cheek. Tonight is it. The battle has begun.

Annabella The Sidekick (Sequal To Defiance)Where stories live. Discover now