Chapter 15 havent seen him

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Kate is on the phone with someone. I am in my room with Lucas. Yes he snuck up again. -_- you got a problem with that? haha. That's what I thought. He is flipping through a dress magazine and I'm peering over his shoulder. "hey Bae we should probably go to bed" I tell him messing with his hair. "ok" he says shutting the magazine pulling me to him and cuddling me. "I have to go lock the door" I mumble. "ugh" he groans. "Noel?" Kate calls softly. I quickly get up shutting off the light and opening the door to see Kate standing there. "yeah?" I shut the door and lean against it. "do you wanna maybe get Chinese?" she ask. "sure!" I say following her to the living room. "the boys were going to come over but Rick don't know where Lucas is." She says furrowing her brows. I put on a worried expression. "he isn't at Rick's!" I exclaim. "no Rick checked everywhere" she says. "have Rick come over at least." I say. She nods her head and texts Rick. I pull out my phone and tex Lucas. 'Rick thinks you are MIA' 'what! why?' 'because you aren't at the loft' 'shiz' 'yeah he is coming up for Chinese' 'ok ill find an excuse' 'ok' 'see ya soon!' I stop texting him. "did you text Lucas?" Kate asks. "Yeah he isn't responding" I mutter worriedly. Kae hugs me. "he is ok" she says. "I hope. Last time he went MIA he had to get a cast on his arm" I say. "from what?" she asks. "I broke his arm for not telling me where he was" I smirk. "oh I'm surprised you aren't my actual daughter" she chuckles hugging me again. "How are you and Rick?" I ask. "we are good." She says not telling everything. I raise my eyebrows at her and she breaks. "we are ok, like we can't go on dates anywhere and I just want to go to the movies, hold his hand and skip through the park with him but I can't" She confesses. "Oh Kate I know how that is" I tell her. She gives me a questioning look. "at the orphanage and foster homes you can't have a boyfriend until like 18? So Lucas and I had to hide our relationship. We also shared a room and were transferred places together. We were 14 when Lucy came into our life. She was such a sweet little girl. She is 2 and a half now. The orphanage separated me from her as soon as they found out about our connection. They pair up people that hate each other and if you don't hate each other then you get moved. I miss Lucy she has imprinted on my heart since she was just a few hours old." I sigh remember the day. "wait what? Lucy is? Is she your kid?" Kate asks. "no but I thought of her that way so did Lucas. Wish I could've kept her. Now she is stuck in that evil orphanage" I grumble. "I hate that orphanage so much!" Lucas's growls walking into the room. I put on a shocked expression. "you're back!" I say jumping and hugging him. I crash my lips to his and forcing my tongue into his mouth. He pins me to the wall and I let out a little moan. I run my hands up and down his back. I slip back to reality as his kisses trail to my soft spot. I push him away and point a finger at him glaring. "where were you?" I ask him angrily. "The park" he says. "yeah right" I respond. "I was!" he exclaimed. "Why didn't you answer my calls?" I ask folding arms across my chest. "my phone was off" he replays taking a step forward. "You never have your phone off" "it died" "you are just digging a deeper hole for yourself" I growl. "Im telling the truth!" he exclaims throwing his hands up. "You always go missing then you say you were at the park! You haven't even been here long so how would you know where it is? Lets Face the facts! You are cheating on me" I say by now I'm crying. "No!" he says and tries hugging me. I hold up a hand pushing him away by his chest. "I think it's best if we are just friends for now Lucas" I say looking down. He nods his head and tears fall out of his eyes making me want to hug him. "now go sit in the living room, remember we are friends and I'll be back" I order. he is hesitant but leaves. We deserve an Emmy!!!

That fight reminded me of my mom and dad's constant bickering. I go to my room and bury my face into my pillow. I let out all my tears. I know the argument was fake but it felt real. their is a light knock on the door. "Go away!" I yell/mumble to the person thinking it is Kate. My door opens and shut. I throw my favorite stuffed animal Lucas got me at the person and bury my face farther into my pillow. I keep crying and my bed dips. "go away" I choke out as a hand rubs my back. The person picks me up and sets me on their lap hugging me. I wrap my arms around the person and bawl on their shoulder.

I sniffle and rub my eyes. I pull away from the person and look at them. It's not Kate nor Lucas. But I very familiar face that I loved ever since I seen it on tv.


Who is this person? Any ideas? if so comment!! Wasn't their performance perfect? They should become actors.

Please, please




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