Chapter 1

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Heavy breathing surrounded the room. The sound of metal against metal rang throughout the room. Complicated footwork and attacks were made as the two battled each other. Each dodging and trying to land their own blow. The only thing that was on either of the opponents minds was victory, each wanted to be the winner. One because of the honour they held and because it is what must be done.

They danced around each other swinging their swords. It went on for another minute before the sword came swinging down at an incredible speed. Surprise flashed across their face as they saw the blade coming for them. Try as they might they were not fast enough to block it. Just as it was about to hit it was slowed down a light tap was delivered using the flat side of the weapon.

A distatified groan sounded from the defeated girl. "Ah Kageyama you bet me again! What was that the fifth time today?"

The raven haired male sheathe his sword and looked up at the panting (h/c), "Sixth actually."

"Sixth, surely I didn't lose that many times, Suga, has it really been six?" Her gaze directed to the silver haired male sitting on a leather chair near the window, who was writing on a piece of parched paper.

He giggled before answering the female, "Yes it really was six, you really are quite the loser today, princess." His comment earned a glare from the female.

"Shut it Suga, like you could do any better!" She argued whipping the sweat from her forehead and sitting in the chair on the other side of the table that Sugawara was at.

"It's true though Princess, you haven't won one fight since we began this training and we have been doing his for three years now. Sure you have improved but you have yet to defeat me." Kageyama stated grabbing a glass of milk from the table and chugging it down.

(Y/n) looked down at her (s/c) hands, "True I've been doing this training so that I can protect myself and not rely on others all the time, but I've been doing this for three years now and I can't even beat Kageyama yet."

Sugawara chuckled and set aside his paper, "True it's been a long time but you are forgetting that this Kageyama Tobio, a talented and skilled weapons master. Do you really think you can beat someone who has been training with weapons nearly his whole life?"

(Y/n) looked up and over to Kageyama, "True, that does put me at a disadvantage, but I'm still going to beat him one day!" She claimed jumping out of her chair and knocking it over causing Sugawara to give out a surprised yelp.

"Well as long as I'm alive I will try my best to beat you." Kageyama stated before excusing himself and leaving the room. Sugawara stood up and picked up the chair setting it back on it's four legs and collecting up his paper.

"Come on (Y/n), you have a meeting in half an hour in the throne room and I would suggest that you have a shower to get rid of all that sweat, you're really stinking up the place here." Sugawara joked as he pushed the girl over to the door opening and pushing her out and closing the door behind him.

"Suga! Don't say stuff like that openingly, you make people feel self-conscious." The (h/c) girl scolded as she walked along the corridor and over to the marble stairs.

"Well as your adviser I have the authority to tell you these things now go shower and be there in half and hour. You don't want people thinking that you're lazy and unfit to rule, do we?"

"Oh you're lazy!" She retorted.

"Actually I'm the one that's always chasing after you making sure that you do everything. Remember when I had to go away for a day and when I came back nothing had got done and you had missed all your lessons and was found drooling on your bed." The silver haired male chuckled at the memory of (Y/n) sprawled out across her bed with her hair all over the place and drool all down the left side of her face.

A (s/c) hand slapped across his mouth followed by loud hushing sounds. "We do not speak of that." A blush crossed her face as she took her hand away a ran up the stairs and turned the corner leaving the male to chuckle at her antics before going down the other staircase and to the throne room to set it up for later.

Entering her room (Y/n) was met with Yachi, who was exiting the bathroom. Yachi was (Y/n)'s best friend and personal maid. She had know Yachi since she was born and they often played together and so when the time came for Yachi to become a maid just as her mother was, (Y/n) requested, more like demanded, that the blonde would become her personal maid.

"Ah Princess, I ran you a bath, I had to use bubbles today as we ran out of bath bombs for some reason."

"Yachi it's (Y/n), always has and always will be. And bubbles are just fine thank you." Taking the fluffy robe from Yachi's outstretched hand she entered the bathroom. Stripping herself of her clothes she threw them aside and slipped into the warm water. Sighing Yachi gather up her clothes and threw them in the washing basket. Sitting behind her Yachi picked up the bucket and poured water over her head and began washing it.

Twenty minutes later (Y/n) was washed and dressed. Her dress was black and reached her knees, a large, light orange bow was tied around her waist along with orange an upside triangle on the chest with black strings crossed over it. Knee high black boots were on her feet and a silver tiara rested on her (curly/wavy/straight) (h/c) hair.

"Alright you're done let's get going I don't want to be scolded by Adviser Sugawara for making you late." Yachi's usual worry face was displayed making (Y/n) roll her eyes and shake her head.

"Silly. this is Suga we're talking about, he won't yell at you for that, he's like that one really nice mum that loves everyone and everyone loves her."
"Y-Yeah you're right. I'm sorry for worrying." She bowed gaining a disapproving look from (Y/n).

"Yachi you worry way too much, you need to learn to let things go and just flow with it. You're like Ashai, worrying about everything." Asahi Azumane was the castle's head gardener. Just like Yachi he has this problem of worrying about everything, making him into one giant teddy bear, which is rather funny considering his manly looks. Most people that look at him think that he is some secret drug dealer or super scary guy that will beat you up if you ever try to talk to him. When in reality he will probably get scared by the sudden approach and start sweating.

Yachi let out a nervous laugh, "Ahaha yeah maybe I do."

Heading down to the throne room they passed Kageyama. "Ah Kageyama, you heading to the meeting now to are you?" (Y/n) called out.

The ravenet jolted in surprise from being addressed without him expecting it. Bowing quickly he responded, "Ah yes, Hinata the dumbass was talking so much that it was hard to get away from him and so I had to create a diversion so that he would get distracted."

Yachi laughed at the thought of what kind of diversion Kageyama created. "Kageyama what did you do this time?"

The answer was met as the distant screaming of the orange haired teen was heard, looking out the window they saw him chasing after a black horse trying to catch it but his screaming made it run away from him faster. (Y/n) faced palmed and she leant out the open window, "Hinata stop screaming it, you making him scared!"

Kageyama snorted and made a comment under his breath. Yachi gave him a look telling him that his comment was unkind. Dismissing the matter the three continued to the throne room. Kageyama went in first leaving the girls outside.

(Y/n) bid Yachi a farewell and turned to the doors throwing them open and walking in only to see...


Nyahaha I leave you on a cliffhanger!! Hee hee, please don't hurt me.

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