Chapter 3

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(Y/n) awoke the next morning to a knocking at her door. Rubbing her eyes she sat up and rolled out of bed and crawled to the door and opened it. Looking up she saw the beaming smile of her silver haired adviser. Sighing she crawled back over to her soft haven of pillows and blankets and pulled herself up and buried her cold form under their warmth.

Sugawara shook his head and drew back the curtains letting the morning sunlight pour into the room. "(Y/n) it's time to get up, you have things to attend to today." Suga announced pulling a face at the objects that littered the floor.

"(Y/n) why were these on the floor? And your crown too. You have to take care of that!" Suga scolded.

(Y/n) thought back to yesterday when she stormed back to her room after the she left the meeting.


(Y/n) slammed the door to her bedroom open and stomped in slamming it behind her, making sure she locked it. The (h/c) went over to the window and shut the curtains. She threw the crown from atop her head onto the floor, listening to the muffled clank it gave off. Ripping off her dress she threw it aside and slipped on her black t-shirt, pale orange sweat pants and fluffy socks. Books from her desk was swept off onto the floor in a fit of anger along with several pens being thrown at the door, two of which stuck into the wall. She dived on to the bed and shoved a pillow over her face and rolled across the surface screaming as she went.

"Why do they have to get me a knight?! I don't need one! I took those defence lessons for a reason, so that I wouldn't have to have someone look after me! I can look after myself! I don't need anyone for that! Besides they all just leave me anyway!" (Y/n) was sobbing by now, "Akiteru, mother, even father. All those who were an important a part of my life have gone. Soon everyone I know now will leave me and I'll be alone once more."

Tears fell down her (s/c) face as she shut her eyes to keep the salty water back. Rolling over she buried herself deep under her blankets and fell asleep.

                                                                              *End of Flashback*

"Ah sorry." She sheepishly rubbed her messy hair and got up taking out a random dress to wear for the day.

After fixing herself up in the bathroom she emerged to see that Suga was gone. Her crown was sitting on her bed waiting for her. Shaking her head she placed it on her desk where she saw a sticky note attached to a piece of paper.

Hey as happy as you might not be about this you still need to sign this. It's important that you remain safe and uphold the rules, even if you don't agree with them. I'll see you soon for breakfast, hopefully with your signature on the attached page.


(Y/n) growled and gritted her teeth as she torn the note in half. Taking a pen from her tin she angrily signed along the line that was meant for her. "Tsukishima Kei, or whatever you name was. I hope you burn."

Snatching up the paper she headed to the dining room to eat her breakfast. Once she got there she saw several of her staff eating their own food. Among them was also Daichi, Suga, Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

(Y/n) glared at the tall blonde and took her seat at the head of the table.

"Ah good morning Princess. Did you sleep well?" Hinata asked, he was cheerful as ever. Not wanting to hurt the poor boy's feelings she nodded her head. However she was still angry at the others at the table, with the exception of Yamaguchi.

"Princess why don't you say hello to Tsukishima." Suga suggested.

"No." Was her only reply as she went back to chewing her toast.

" (Y/n)! Don't be like that! Don't be angry at him when he didn't do anything wrong to you! That's just being rude!" Suga almost sounded like her mother at that moment. A mother who was embarrassed by her child but hid it with anger and instead scolded their child.

"So? Why should I have to make polite conversation with someone I don't even want to talk to?" She questioned getting up from the table.

"Because he will be working in this castle and employed to be around you a lot and it would best that you two got along with each other as you will be spending quite a lot of time together. This is just for the best of you, him and everyone else. Now stop being stubborn and talk to the boy!' Suga left after this dragging Daichi along with him.

Sighing (Y/n) went over to the quiet blonde and grabbed his wrist dragging him out the door and down the hallway leaving everyone to finish their meals. The (h/c) dragged Tsukishima along for about five minutes before stopping at a door. Opening it she shoved him inside and closed the door. The tall boy looked around the room to see that three walls and the roof were made completely of glass, which allowed the sunlight to pass through. In the center of the glass on the roof was an glass stained window of an orange crow. Black couches covered in orange and yellow pillows were placed around the room. Several bean bags and large pillows littered the floor.

"Welcome to my sunroom or whatever you wanna call it." (Y/n) spoke. "My name is (y/f/n) and rule this place, bla bla bla, no one really cares. Anyway care to introduce yourself?"
Tsukishima stared at her a grin spread across his face, "Well you should already know my name, princess"

"Yeah well I said mine now say yours, come one I'm trying here but you ain't making this easy."

Sighing he spoke, "Tsukishima Kei. I believe you used to know my brother. And just because you were all buddy buddy with him doesn't mean you get to be that way with me, alright."

"Well I'm glad we agree on that then. Whatever take a seat or what not." She gestured to the couch opposite her and sat down.

He followed suit afterwards and sunk into the couch. He looked around his eyes squinting at the large amounts of sun pouring in. "Is this your way of tanning without actually going outside or something?" He mocked.

"No it's just a nice room that I go into no matter the weather and not be bothered by it. Like if it were Winter, like it will be soon, it will be warm in here plus I will get to be in the sun, when there is some. But of course you never thought of that because you are too stuck up to look at the other views to things. I've known you less than a day and can already tell that you like to pick on people and stomp on their weak points and make them feel bad about themselves. Of course I'm not going to let you and your issues get to me, so say what you want, I don't really care." (Y/n) was already well aware of how he was. Despite how she may look to other people, she was incredibly observant, which was good as it helped to make the right decisions in the right situation.

Tsukishima looked at her blankly giving thought in how he could respond. "So is this no caring attitude from a lack of love from your mummy and daddy, or is perhaps because everyone left you all alone? You see little Princess I can be observant too. And this uncaring attitude surely can't be good for your image. People like people who care about others, people however don't like people who don't like others."

"People also don't like people who think highly of themselves, but rather those who think lowly of themselves so that it's easier for them to use them and walk all over them. People are cruel and people will use those to get what they need. They don't care about people who care about others, they just want to use you. And by not caring people can move through life stress free and without being used. Whether or not I was not loved or was abandoned has nothing to do with the fact that I don't care. You on the other hand may be in that case." And with that (Y/n) got up and left the room, leaving the tall male to think about what was said.

"Tch she may be right, but I won't let her win this." He chuckled at the future to come and he too left the room.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry if I take too long to update. To be honest with ya I get too lazy to write and there is also the fact that I forget about it and what not. Also school. Yeah fun I know, everyone looooves going to school and being around annoying people all day. But yeah no excuses aside sorry, hee hee.

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