Chapter 4

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The next day (Y/n) woke up and did her usually routine. She ate breakfast with the others like usual. She attended her morning meetings with Sugawara to get an outline of what she had to do that day, with today's schedule consisting of her defence lessons, which was moved to the morning. After lunch she would attend a meeting with Nekoma's King, Kenma Kozume.

The girl sighed as she saw her busy schedule and kissed goodbye and plans of relaxation she had. Sugawara laughed at her reaction and left the room leaving her to wallow in disappointment. A knock at the door knocked her out of her emo state.

Opening it she was met with the smug face of Tsukishima. She instantly slammed the door closed and pretended not to have opened the door. The door swung back open and a slightly pissed male walked in. "Princess that was a bit rude you know. Slamming doors on people's faces isn't very royal like."

"Yeah well I ain't exactly the most royal of royalty there is. You should see some of the other kings out there, hardly act like they are in leadership at all. There's this one guy that likes to flaunt himself around all the time and another who doesn't have a serious bone in his body." (Y/n) explained as she left the room and headed to the floor above. Tsukishima followed her, "Well they are them and you are you, besides those are kings, males, what do you expect. You should act more like a lady."

"Yeah well the day that happens will be the day hell freezes over, so dream on. And quit being so sexist. Girls can act like guys if they want to." She retaliated.

"I'm not being sexist I'm just simply saying that you should at least act more of lady, it's just more appealing to men." "Get that stupid smug smirk of your dumb face before I punch it off." (Y/n) growled as she entered the training room.

"Ouch that hurt my feelings, Princess." He chuckled at the females annoyed groan.

"Princess. Good to see you again." Kageyama bowed and straightened back up and handed her a sword.

"Hey Kageyama. I'm sure today will be the day that I finally beat you."

Kageyama bluntly replied. "Princess you say that every time but you haven't even knocked the sword out my hand yet."

Tsukishima snickered at this earning a glare from both parties. "Wow, been training all these years and have yet to beat him. What a loser."

Kageyama's face hardened at the insult, "Hey watch what you call her. She's our ruler and you owe her some respect just like the rest of us do."

"Yeah because you are so respectful." The blonde scoffed.

"Hey Kageyama is quite respectful thankyou. He is just very blunt. He doesn't mean to insult me." (Y/n) defended glaring at the tall male.

"Yeah sure whatever, gotta stick up for your boyfriend huh."

(Y/n) grew annoyed at that remark, "Kageyama is not boyfriend nor would he ever be. We are friends and teammates, that is all. Now either stand to the side and be quiet or leave and I'll have Sugawara take your place as supervisor."  Tsukishima clicked his tongue and took a seat at the wall, where he kept his mouth shut for the remainder of the practice.

An hour later and both opponents were sweating, (Y/n), yet again had failed to beat Kageyama. Tsukishima got up and clapped his hands mockingly, "Great win there Princess."

"Shut up you lampost or I'll throw you out the window!" (Y/n) shot back.

"Princess, kn-knife nuff nice." Kageyama stuttered, still having issues with giving people complements. Tsukishima snickered at the lame complement earning a glare from the ravenette.

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