Chapter 16

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Tsukishima fought his hardest to beat Iwaizumi. They fought for ages not taking a break but they were too evenly matched for one to come out with a win. Tsukishima was too good at his defence skills and Iwaizumi of his offence. The only reason Tsukishima even managed to win over him was because he faltered.

Just as Iwaizumi was about to go for another strike he felt a deep pain in his heart which caused his aim to fail and nearly run straight into Tsukishima's blade. "Urgh." He gripped his heart and dropped his sword.

The blonde stood back looking at him with confusion, "What's the matter? You get too tired or something?"

"O-Oikawa." He whispered. "Something happened to Oikawa." He stood up wobbling and staggered out of the room.

"Wait hold up, you can't just leave!" Tsukishima shouted chasing after him.

"It's over, you win." He kept walking. The stunned teen stared after him. What had happened to make him quit the fight? Shaking his head he decided that he should find (Y/n) and see if she was okay. He ran down the way Iwaizumi went and out the front door. He stopped and looked to both sides, not seeing her anywhere. Deciding to try his luck at the back he ran around the side of the building, bumping into Kageyama and Hinata on the way.

"Tsukishima? Where's the Princess?" Hinata cocked his head in confusion. Tsukishima didn't say anything and kept running not wanting to waste any valuable time. Kageyama simply shrugged when the orange haired boy looked at him and chased after the megane.

The blonder grew more and more worried as time went on and he couldn't find her. He was beginning to think she ran away until he saw a passed out figure on the concrete. As he got closer he realised that it was (Y/n) that laid there, bleeding, next to the crown that he had seen Oikawa wearing that day.

His eyes went wide as he skidded down next to her and shook her body, trying to get her to open her (e/c) eyes. "(Y/n)! Wake up! Come on, wake up! You can sleep later!"

(Y/n)'s body shook and shook but she didn't wake up. "Tsukishima pick her up, we have to take her to Ennoshita and Sugawara." Kageyama commanded, leading the way to the castle. He only simply nodded in response and carefully picked her up and followed after him, trying to stop as much of the bleeding as he could.

As soon as they entered the building Sugawara and Ennoshita came running to them. "Quick, take her up to her room and put her on the bed!"

They ran to the room and Tsukishima put her on the bed. "Okay I need everyone to leave. Tsukishima you stay at the door, everyone else, the castle is still under siege so you need to get back to it." Sugawara fussed around pushing everyone out while Ennoshita prepare some medical supplies.

Tsukishima waited as patiently as he could outside of the room. He looked out the window and saw the distraught figure of Iwaizumi hunched over a crown, trying desperately to hide his tears from the small group of soldiers that stood with him. "He have figured it out." He sighed at stared at the coloured sky, the sun was rising and the start of a new day was here. The start of a era by the looks of it.

Two hours later a tired Sugawara exited the room drawing the attention of the patient blonde. "Well?"

"She's going to be okay, she's still asleep and most likely will be for a while." Sugawara patted him on the back and walked away. Tsukishima took cautious steps into the room. He looked over to see Ennoshita packing away the medical equipment.
"Did Sugawara tell you?" He asked.

"That she's fine, yeah?" He patted her head, brushing the hair away from her face, grimacing at the bandage that wrapped around her head.

"I'm sorry to say but he lied you know. She has some injuries that will cause her issues in the time to come. Somewhere along the line Oikawa had managed to injure her back. Now she may be okay for now but in a few years or less she may lose the ability to do things like she used to. Luckily I managed to make it so she wasn't paralysed but I can't fix everything, sorry." He left the room as well leaving the two alone.

"Damn it, you idiot you weren't supposed to get hurt." He cursed. He sat down on a chair by her bed and laid his head on her, allowing himself to get some rest.


Just a short update peoples. 

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