Chapter 9

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(Y/n) awoke the next morning from being violently rolled off her bed. She sat up looking confused but slammed back into the ground as a large bang followed by the castle shaking forced her over. Tsukishima laid clinging to the bed, sword in hand.

"What the hell is happening here?!' (Y/n) screamed as she made her way over to the male, trying her hardest not to fall over.

"Well what does it look like genius?" Tsukishima looked around the room his eyes wide.

"Um, and earthquake?"

"No idiot, it's a siege, we're being attacked. Now go next door and get dressed real quick and meet me in the hall in three minutes. You have only three minutes before I go in myself." He explained shoving the confused teen out the door and slamming it closed.

(Y/n) looked around confused but quickly reminded herself that she only had three minutes to get dressed. Hurriedly she ran to her room and threw on her uniform, not bothering with the buttons. She dashed outside and ran into Tsukishima's back, causing him to turn around and glare at her.

"Hurry up, we have to get you out of here now!" He yelled grabbing her hand and running down the hall. "If the emergency plan goes well everyone will meet us at the safe spot."
"Safe spot?" (Y/n) didn't remember there being an emergency plan or safe spot being sorted out yet.

"Yes that's right. Safe spot, somewhere where we can hide your arse and not have you die on us." He skidded to a stop and pushed back one of the woven tapestries of the first king taming a crow. It was a very old piece of art and was highly valuable and worth a fortune.

From behind the tapestry there was a small black button, that when pushed by Tsukishima, revealed a hole in the wall, only big enough for one person to crawl through at a time.

"I assume we go through this, yeah?" (Y/n) asked peering into the darkness.

"Yup now get your butt in there we haven't time for this." He demanded giving her a light push.

"Alright, alright no need to push." (Y/n) got down on her knees and crawled part way through before stopping. "It's pretty dark in here, are you sure I should go in?"

"Yup perfectly safe everything's fine just get going already, I'd like to get in there myself too you know." He replied quickly looking around the room as if he expected someone to appear at any moment.

"Yeah yeah, you just want to get a closer look at my butt." She joked, continuing forwards.

"I don't wanna see that. Now hurry up cause I don't want to die and this has a time limit of two minutes before it automatically closes for half an hour." His voice was strained as he tried not to yell.

"Ah shiz, should of told me that first." (Y/n) cursed now all the way through.

"I honestly didn't think you would be dumb enough to take so long to get through a small hole, especially when we are under siege." Tsukishima got down and crawled through the hole quickly, bumping his head on the roof. The door closed behind them and sealed itself shut, enveloping them in complete darkness.

"Damn I can't see nothing in this." (Y/n) cursed as she moved forward.

"Yeah well neither can I but you're just going to have to suck it up and move forwards." He grumbled, not happy with being stuck in a small space.

"Hang on wait, I think I've got a glow orb here." (Y/n) patted her pockets before pulling out a small fluffy pink ball. "Here we go." She shook it violently causing it to shine a soft white light, bright enough to allow them to see their surroundings but not harmful to their eyes.

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