Chapter 11

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Hours later everyone was awake and packed, loading the food and other items onto horses that were put there by Hinata the other day. Kageyama had been healed by Ennoshita along with Hinata, however they were both still weak and would not be able to support themselves on a horse. Yachi too had been healed but despite Ennoshita's attempt her eye was not resorted and it was lost to her forever. The blonde was taking it hard but kept it to herself not wanting to be the one who complained all the time.

(Y/n) was finishing up her packing when Tsukishima approached her. "How are you feeling?"
Such a question was not expected from him and (Y/n) found herself scrambling her mind to put together a reply for him. "Um, okay I guess. Are you okay? You usually don't ask such a question."

"What am I not allowed to show any kind of concern?" He retorted.

"Well no you can, it's just that your personality makes it seem weird. You're such an I don't care kind of guy, so when you show some kind of care it's a bit shocking." (Y/n) explained.

"Well maybe it's because I do care." He responded walking away.

"Maybe it's because I do care," (Y/n) repeated to herself, "Hey wait what does that mean!?"

"Alright everyone saddle up we're getting out of here now!" Daichi announced.

Everyone groaned not looking forward to the long ride ahead of them. (Y/n) shuddered at the thought of the sore butt and back she would get later from being on the horse too long.

"Yes I know it's terrible but this is the quickest and easiest way of transport and if we are pursited by Aoba Jousai soldiers it will be easier to get away." Daichi explained, hoisting Kageyama up onto his horse. Sugawara was fixing Hinata onto his saddle making sure that he didn't fall off when they rode. Yachi rode with Kiyoko while everyone else had their own horses.

"Okay, I'll take the lead so everyone follow me, Nishinoya if you and Ennoshita could take up the rear that would be great." Sugawara announced, as he coaxed his horse forwards.

(Y/n) sighed and jumped up onto hers and followed after Yamaguchi who went behind Daichi and Kageyama, who had followed after Sugawara. Tsukishima was behind her, followed by Asahi, Kiyoko and Yachi, Ennoshita and finally Nishinoya.

As they started their long journey Daichi asked for Yamaguchi to check in with Tanaka and see how he was going. Tanaka had been sent with the soldiers to the Capital where he would be able to grasp the situation better than a low ranking soldier would be able too. He was handling it well and had evacuated all the of the citizens into the underground tunnels safely and had sent for all of the remaining soldiers to do a regroup at the Capital. Daichi, happy with the report, asked Yamaguchi to hang up and let Tanaka continue with what he was doing.

The ride was quiet and uneventful, as boring as it sounded that was good. It meant that they would make good head way with little to no dramas. (Y/n) felt herself zoning out a lot of the time, several times she had stopped her horse without knowing and when they reached a fork in the road she took the opposite direction then everyone else but was soon lead back to the right path by Tsukishima who grumbled about her not paying enough attention.

It was beginning to draw closer to night when Daichi ordered that they pull over for the night and rest so that they could get up bright and early the next morning. Everyone got off their horse moaning in pain from their stiff muscles and sore butts and backs. Hinata seemed to be the least affected, him being used to riding horse nearly everyday.

The process was quick, a simple meal was eaten, bedrolls laid out and instant sleep. The only who stayed awake was (Y/n) who demanded that she get the first watch. She sat up in a tree staring off into the distance to see the stars in the sky being covered by dark clouds that were slowly making their way towards them. (Y/n) came to the conclusion that it would rain tomorrow and made sure that she would put a raincoat over herself and her horse before she went to sleep.

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