Chapter 14

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Early the next morning the small company was quietly moving through the hallways of Karasuno's castle. Ennoshita had managed to teleport them into the castle thanks to Kageyama's detailed map and instructions. They had been sorted into two teams that would then be split off and then split again. Team one consisted of, Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi and Ennoshita, while team two was of Tsukishima, (Y/n), Yamaguchi, Hinata and Kageyama. They reached fork in the hallway and split apart, with Daichi's team going right and (Y/n)'s left. The objective was to split up until they were in teams of two and get rid of any staff that they find on their way to find Oikawa. Upon find ing Oikawa they are to alert the other members that they found him and they would head to them straight away.

"Hey guys why don't one of you check in there?" Hinata whispered pointing to a closed room.

"Yeah okay, good luck." Kageyama brushed off as he marched on down the hallway leaving the rest. "This is taking too long, I'll go my own way now."
"Kageyama wait! We are supposed to stick as a group only splitting apart if we need to." (Y/n) whisper yelled.

"That's going to take too long. I need to find Oikawa now." He turned the corner and disappeared.

"He's right you know. The castle is big and we don't have a lot of time. Splitting up now is our best option." Tsukishima explained.

Hinata sighed and nodded going over to the door he pointed out before and took a deep breath, waving to the others and crept through the door. (Y/n) shook her head and turned away going back the way they came. Tsukishima followed her soon after.

"What are you doing, go another way or something. This is my way." (Y/n) told him.

"Yeah but I'm your knight aren't I? I supposed to stay with you. Besides I have special orders from Daichi to not leave you alone." He explained.

"Well any thoughts on what room he might be in?" She asked him.

"Have we check the sun room, or maybe your room? What about the throne room?" He suggested.

"Lets check the sunroom and go from there." She agreed and headed towards there.

It was dark in the castle as the sun was not yet out and the candles were snuffed out as people were most likely sleeping. (Y/n) found herself tripping or running into walls due to the dark. Despite growing up in the castle she could never make her way around the place in the dark. They reached the room and shared a look before Tsukishima opened the door without a sound and crept in. (Y/n) whispered a be careful before peeking into the room.

Tsukishima put a finger to his lips and motioned for her to come over to him silently. (Y/n) gasped when she saw the sleeping brunette. "How dare he sleep on my special bean baggy."

"Be quiet about your bean bag. We need to take care of him before he wakes up." Tsukishima hissed.

"But wouldn't that be unfair. I mean we are basically just murdering an unarmed and defenceless man while he sleep. That's like going up to an old man taking a nap in his chair and cutting his throat." (Y/n)'s face softened as she looked at Oikawa's peacefully sleep.

"Yeah but at these times it doesn't really matter anymore. It's every man for himself when it comes to war. You either shoot first or not live another second." Tsukishima explained drawing his sword. "Turn around, you don't need to see this."

(Y/n) nodded not wanting her dreams to be haunted for the rest of her life. She was already beginning to feel guilty and he wasn't even dead yet. The (h/c) girl faced the window her eyes squeezed shut as she blocked her ears so that she doesn't hear the sound of metal penetrating flesh.

Tsukishima lifted back his sword and took a deep breath swinging it down. (Y/n) took a sharp breath when she felt the wind of the blade passing through the air. Her heart pounded at the bloody images that filled her head.


Dun Dun.

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